  • 期刊


The Relationship of oral motor and motor performance in children aged 4-6 with articulation disorders


背景與目的:構音障礙是職能治療師所服務的對象常常伴隨的問題,在臨床也觀察到此類兒童常有口腔動作不佳的問題,由於過去的研究大多集中在探討構音障礙兒童的口腔動作與動作表現,卻未有文獻指出兩者的相關性,所以本研究的目的欲了解構音障礙幼童的口腔動作和全身的動作表現是否有關連性,提供臨床上可以參考口腔功能的評估,來決定是否需要職能治療或物理治療在動作能力的介入,提供一些治療的協助和參考。方法:取自中部地區醫院復健科29 名,因構音障礙就診的兒童,需接受第二版布魯茵克斯-歐西瑞斯基動作精練度評量工具、學童口腔動作檢核表分測驗三的口腔動作檢核以及感覺統合臨床觀察(Clinical Observation)肌肉張力分測驗。結果:構音障礙兒童在第二版布魯茵克斯-歐西瑞斯基動作精練度評量工具的操作協調分數上較同年齡低落的平均分數,且達到統計上的差異。在動作表現與口腔動作的相關性方面,張力與發聲呼吸共鳴有中度相關(r=.471),操作協調與有意志的口腔動作有中度相關(r=.495),操作協調與口腔輪替有中度相關(r=.419)。在預測構音障礙兒童口腔動作方面,操作協調是重要的預測因子。結論:構音障礙兒童部分的動作表現低於一般兒童,而動作表現與口腔動作上,操作協調與口腔動作和口腔輪替都達到中度相關,是預測口腔動作兩個向度的重要因子。


Backgrand and purposes: Articulation disorders is the clients occupational therapists often met in clinical. Such children often have poor oral motor, was also observed. Past studies are focused on oral motor and motor performance of articulation disorders, respectively. Less literature indicates their correlation. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between oral motor and motor performance in articulation disorders children. Methods: Total 29 children age between 4 and 6 years old with articulation disorders from rehabilitation department were included in the study。They received the below evaluations: Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 2nd edition (BOT-II) , Oral-Motor Checklist of Preschool Children, Sensory Integration Clinical Observation . Result: The BOT-II shows Manual Coordination scores were lower than the norm average score, and reached statistical differences. The relationship between oral motor and motor performance, mucle tone and breathing sound resonates with moderate correlation (r = .471), Manual Coordination and volitional oral movements with moderate correlation (r = .495), Manual Coordination and oral rotation moderate correlation (r = .419). In predicting articulation disorders children's oral motor, the Manual Coordination is an important predictor. Conclusion: Articulation disorders children 's motor performance lower than children in general., Manual coordination and oral motor and oral diadochokinetic have reached moderate correlation, and is an important predictive factor of oral action.
