  • 期刊


Application of "Action Learning" in General Aesthetic Education Curriculum-An example of "Environmental Aesthetics"




In response to increasingly severe extreme weather, the present author, who has taught general aesthetic education for many years and views aesthetics as the study of one's perception of his or her surrounding, designed Environmental Aesthetics as a general education course. The course objective is to raise students' environmental awareness through education; by eliciting their sympathy for the environment, the course encourages students to pay closer attention to environmental issues. This study adopted an action research method and aimed to(a)Develop an "action learning"-based environmental aesthetics course to promote students' environmental awareness and(b) Assess the effectiveness of course implementation. The course introduces relevant theories, provides students with aesthetic experience, discusses real life scenarios, engages students in creation and reflection activities, and bridges theories with practice, thereby guiding students to engage in abstract thinking, perceptual imaginations, concrete thinking, and deep thinking. This enables students to transition from the stages of cognizance, contemplation, and sympathy to that of taking concrete actions to protect the environment. The course implementation results were as follows: (a) Action learning as a teaching strategy in the general aesthetic education course sparked students' learning motivation.(b)The students were able to ask and answer questions in a comprehensive manner engage in profound thinking because they were fully cognizant of environmental conservation.(c)The implementation of a multiple assessment mechanism enabled the teacher to gain insights into the students' learning progress and outcomes from various perspectives.(d)The general aesthetic education course raised the students' environmental awareness by teaching them to observe environmental issues from an aesthetic perspective.
