  • 期刊


Differences between shod and barefoot running in lower extremity movements and muscle activation


緒論 : 赤足跑步在這幾年隨著可能會降低傷害的風險而逐漸盛行,但目前多數人仍然還是採用穿鞋跑步,從運動生物力學的角度觀察,可以發現人類會因穿鞋與否,而造成跑步著地形態的改變。過去研究指出採赤足跑步時會改變著地階段膝關節和踝關節的角度,進而降低膝關節的受傷風險,更發現到當穿鞋跑和赤足跑若皆採後足著地時會產生具傷害威脅的瞬時撞擊。方法 : 本文透過文獻探討的方式,統整運動學、動力學和肌肉活化特性等面向深入探討跑步時穿鞋與否的運動生物力學特性,期可提供跑步參與者穿鞋與否的參考。結果 : 不同的著地動作會改變動作期間肌肉活化的程度,其於跑步機與地面上跑步量測結果肌肉活化的特徵亦不盡相同。結論 : 在未受跑步訓練的情況之下採赤足前足跑法跑步,是有可能導致受傷的,因著地方式的不同而產生不同的跑步協調機制,仍然需要透過漸進式的訓練,才能降低踝關節和踝屈肌受傷的可能。


跑鞋 著地形態 鞋類


Introduction: Although barefoot running may reduce the risk of running injury and has gained popularity in recent years, shod running continues to be prevalent. From sports biomechanics perspectives, this study observed the physiological changes that occur to the human body during barefoot and shod running. Previous studies have indicated that a barefoot runner's knee and ankle joint angles change according to the surface the runner is running on, thereby lowering the risk of knee joint injury. Moreover, studies have found that rare-foot strike is prone to injury from the impact force generated from the foot striking the ground. Methods: Therefore, this study integrated kinematics, dynamics, and muscle activation characteristics to further understand the sports biomechanics of the foot during barefoot and shod running. The findings of this study can serve as references for barefoot and shod runners. Results: Different landing strategies changed the extent of muscle activation; and the test results of muscle activation characteristics for treadmill and ground running were not the same. Conclusion: Untrained barefoot runners with a forefoot strike is very likely to get running injuries. As different running strategies lead to different running coordination mechanisms, it requires progressive training to reduce the injuries of ankle and ankle flexor.


running shoes strike patterns footwear


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