

The new breed of bitter gourd, Variety Hualien No.2 was collected from local Ji-an's and Shincheng wild bitter gourds, in 1998. Then in 2002, the variety WB24 has been, with good breeding quality of multiple objectives, reproduced after a series of purification, selection and crossing for years .On November 18, 2005, the new breed of bitter gourd was formally named the Variety-Hualien No.2, after some tests of the combination force of F1 crossing, the comparison among varieties, the field work among regions, and the density of culture. Bitter gourd Hualien No.2 is a vine with lots of branches. Its female flowers bloom from the eleven section of the main vine. The flowering period starts about 31 days for spring crop and 29 days for summer crop. Its exocarp is green and the face of the fruit has the process of pearls and bars. The fruit is long ovaloid and the length of a fruit is about 13 cm with the weight of 130 to 150 grams. It can be reaped after flowering 20 to 25 days for spring crop and 20 days for summer crop .The total product each hectare is approximately23.4 metric tons for spring crop and 17.7 metric tons for summer crop. Seedling nursing days are about 14 to 20, setting to flowering days 30, and setting to reaping days 50 for spring crop and 45 for summer crop. Total reaping days are 45 to 60. Total surviving days are 110 to 140. The new breed of bitter gourd, Hualien No.1, is F1 crossing variety. It has the advantages of strong growth, early flowering females, great fruiting and good quality.


wild bitter gourd breeding variety
