  • 期刊


Discussion of Nurse Practitioners' Legal Standing Regarding Explaining Patient Condition and Writing Medical Records: With Two Examples of Criminal Judgments




According the Physician Act Article 28, if people who are not physician implement medical behaviors, they would offend the "fake-doctor crime". However, nurses who implement medical behaviors under doctors' order would not offend the "fake-doctor crime". This article would introduce two criminal judgments, which explore whether nurse practitioners who help physicians to implement such medical behaviors as explaining patient condition and writing medical record offend the "fake-doctor crime". The Direction made by Ministry of Health and Welfare indicated that nurse practitioners could help physician to explain patient condition and write medical record. However, governing the scope of practice of nurse practitioners by using the Direction mentioned above is insufficient, due to the two reasons as follows: first, the judge may refuse to apply the Direction if the Direction is not applicable to the case. Second, the Directions that are in conflict with laws shall be void. Therefore, the scope of practice of nurse practitioners stipulated by the Direction mentioned above is insufficient for protecting the rights of nurse practitioners. To avoid offend "fake-doctor crime", the scope of practice of nurse practitioners should be stipulated by a statue or ordinance. This article would introduce "the Vaccine Legislative Model", which could serve as a good model for the legislation for the scope of practice of nurse practitioners.


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