  • 期刊


Professional Performance Evaluation of Nurse Practitioners




Evaluation of professional performance is a continuous process which enables a health organization to closely monitor programs, systems, and clinical service of the organization. It is essential for managing employees in all medical organizations and has an absolute influence on the competitiveness of the organization. Traditionally, performance evaluation is focused on educational training, review of professional credentials, and direct evaluation or interview from managers annually. This has failed to meet the contemporary and rapid changes of the healthcare sector. It is crucial to integrate performance evaluation into quality improvement projects so that individual contributions to the quality of care can be identified and measured. Currently, nurse practitioners in America are evaluated based on medical professional competence. The Joint Commission suggests that both the Ongoing Professional Performance Evaluation (OPPE) and the Focused Professional Practice Evaluation (FPPE) should be applied for regular evaluation. Several sensitive outcomes attributing to the practice of nurse practitioners could be found in studies. Nurse practitioners in Taiwan, as one of the major group of health care providers, have accountability for the quality of care and professional development. It is imperative to establish our own way of performance evaluation, which could truly present our daily performance and contributions to the quality of care. Furthermore, plans for quality improvement from the aspects of the individual and the organization can be developed accordingly.


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