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Exploring the Development of Professional Competence in Nurse Practitioners in Taiwan



Background and purpose: Since the introduction of a certification examination in 2006, 6,414 nurse practitioners have been certified. Few studies of the professional competence of these nurse practitioners have been conducted, and none have been conducted in the past 8 years. The aim of this study was evaluate the development of professional competence of nurse practitioners in Taiwan. Methods: In-depth interviews of 11 nurse practitioners were conducted. Data were collected by purposive sampling. Theoretical sampling and grounded theory techniques were used in this qualitative analysis. Results: The development of professional competence in nurse practitioners included three stages, self-development motivation, professional development working as a nurse practitioner, and experiencing a sense of achievement as a nurse practitioner. The core category was identified as being a mature, competent nurse practitioner. Discussion: During their clinical practice, nurse practitioners should be informed well in advance of inservice training. Development of learning guidelines is recommended to overcome a lack of continuing education in practical nursing areas. Most nurse practitioners stated that they did not receive adequate pre-employment training and that they learned to adapt to practice on their own. Future efforts should include implementation of online courses conducted by experienced nurse practitioners discussing the essential knowledge and skills that individuals should have before beginning work a nurse practitioner or following their transition to practice. The goal would be to help in the development of professional competence.


背景及目的:台灣在2006年開始實施專科護理師認證考試,已有6,414位合格的專科護理師。現有的相關專科護理師的專業能力之研究僅有數篇,且近八年來並沒有相關的持續研究。因此,本研究目的為探討專科護理師專業能力成長的過程。方法:採質性研究深入訪談方式,資料收集先以立意取樣,後採理論取樣(theoretical sampling)及扎根理論分析的技巧,深入訪談11位臨床執業的專科護理師。結果:研究發現,專科護理師專業能力的成長的過程共包含三個範疇:「自我成長的動機」、「專科護理師專業成長的軌跡」及「獲得專科護理師的成就感」;而核心範疇為「成熟有能力的專科護理師」。討論:在臨床實務方面建議,擔任專科護理師前應有合適的訓練且告知未來實際業務內容,除此之外,專科護理師於臨床實務操作的持續學習較為缺乏,宜發展各科臨床學習指引。在未來研究方面建議,大部分的專科護理師提及未有合適的職前訓練,大部分靠自行摸索,未來應以量性或質性的方式讓線上的專科護理師以過來人的身分討論哪些知識及技能是她(他)們在轉任前或轉任初期就具備,會有助於勝任未來的專科護理師職涯。
