  • 期刊


The Role and Prospective of Hospice Home Care for Nurse Practitioners in Taiwan




The aim of palliative medicine is to help end-stage patients have a good death and die at home peacefully. Hospice home care is a specialized care model that achieves this goal. In Taiwan, hospice home care and community home care have been developed to assist end-stage patients in fulfilling their wish to go home and have hospice care at home. However, studies have shown that patients who were discharged from the hospice care unit and their families were concerned about difficulties in care and lower frequencies of physician visits. These factors could affect the willingness of end-stage patients to return home and receive hospice home care; therefore failing to achieve good death. In real world clinical practice, nurse practitioners are an essential part of the cancer specialized care model. Nurse practitioners provide optimized hospice care for end-stage patients in hospitals. However, their role in hospice home care has yet to be determined. This paper introduced the implementation of hospice home care in foreign countries and the situation and regulations of hospice home care in Taiwan. We evaluated the role of nurse practitioners in hospice home care and defined the essentials to providing an optimized hospice home care with the goal of training nurse practitioners to high professionalism. If the regulations and payment systems of the national health insurance for hospice home care were adjusted in the future, the participation of nurse practitioners in the hospice home care team could provide high quality hospice care.


姚建安、謝於真、陳恆順(2011).末期照護:遠距安寧療護. 台灣醫學,15(2),168-172。doi:10.6320/FJM.2011.15(2).07
