  • 會議論文


Exploring Leisure Travel and Consumer Characteristics: Civil Servants with National Travel Cards


本研究利用問卷調查法,以臺中市之大里區與霧峰區公務人員為研究對象。採自編式問卷,內容包括休閒特性、消費類型與遊客基本資料三大部分。從2009年11月2日至11月30日共發放416份問卷,拒答48份,廢卷15份,有效問卷為353份,在95%的信賴區間水準之下,抽樣誤差為5.2%,有效問卷回收率為84.85%。將資料用SPSS 18.0進行統計分析與檢定,探討台灣公務人員使用國民旅遊卡的休閒旅遊特性與消費類型的使用情形。結果顯示,受訪公務員之性別以女性居多、年齡41~45歲居多、婚姻狀況以已婚居多、教育程度以大學居多、同住家庭成員數以3人核心家庭為主、職等以委任(1~5職等)為主、工作年資以16~20年所占比例最高、服務機關以行政機關為主、平均月收入以40,001~50,000元為主、休假補助請領狀況,大部分皆未請領完16,000的休假補助。休假時間分配以星期五休假為主。整體滿意度的平均值為2.93(N=416, range:1-5)。休閒旅遊特性,以「增加在平日旅遊的次數」及「增加搜尋旅遊資訊的時間」影響最大。消費特性以加油站、餐飲業、旅宿業居多。消費金額,旅宿業其消費金額4,001元~8,000元占較高的比例。


This study will explore the leisure traveland consumercharacteristics of civil servants taking paid holidays with the National Travel Card. Questionnaires were conducted in Great Taichung's government institution from 2 Nov 2009 to 30 Nov 2009. 416 questionnaires were administered; 48 samples refused to answer and 15 were invalid, leaving 353 usable questionnaires. The survey data were expected to be accurate to within 5.2%, with 95% confidence. Data analyses were performed using SPSS 18.0. Mainly descriptive findings were shown as follows: 52.7% were female; 79.3% were married; 23.5% aged 41-45; 38.5% were university educated; 44.5% were elementary rank; 26% working for 16 to 20 years; 73.4% were working in administrative authority and 27.5% had monthly income of NT$40,001-50,000. Civil servant cardholders' overall satisfaction average were 2.93 (N=416, range=1-5). The analytical results suggest that "Increasedtravelingtimeson weekdays" and "Increased time researching travel options" have the most influence on leisure travel. Spending at gas stations,restaurants andaccommodation is commonly NT$4,001-8,000.
