  • 期刊


The Characteristics of Aerosols and Heavy Metal Distribution in Incense Industry Operating Environments


本研究主要針對製香作業環境進行空氣中粉塵與重金屬之調查,包括現場環境因素特性、粉塵濃度及重金屬成分分析等,本研究選取5家製香作業場所進行實地採樣分析,利用個人採樣器搭配總粉塵(CLA4002)與可呼吸性粉塵(CLA4001)之採樣匣,進行粉塵採樣,重金屬分析則是參考CLA3011(砷等元素ICP採樣分析方法)之建議方法進行分析。研究結果發現,5家製香廠總粉塵的質量濃度平均值在1.96~2.32 mg/m^3之間;呼吸性粉塵的質量濃度平均值在1.23~1.96 mg/m^3之間皆低於現行法規之第四種厭惡性粉塵之容許濃度。在分區之總粉塵及可呼吸性粉塵濃度採樣結果可知,前置作業區與製香區是濃度較高區域。研究也發現大多製香廠之可呼吸性/總粉塵比例(%)皆大於60%,顯示作業人員受到之總粉塵暴露中,大部分屬於可呼吸性粉塵。由總粉塵與可呼吸粉塵內重金屬之成份分析可知,含量最高的重金屬為Zn及Ba。


This work aims to investigate the characteristics of aerosols and heavy metal distribution in incense industry operating environments. The environmental factors, particulate matter concentrations, and heavy metal components would also be conducted in this work. Five incense plants have been selected as the test subjects. The total particulate concentration, respirable particulate concentration, and heavy metals components in the sampled dust would be measured by the suggesting methods of Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Occupational Hygiene Division, Taiwan (CLA4002, CLA4001, and CLA3011). Experimental results showed that the average total particulate concentration and respirable particulate concentration were around 1.96~2.32 mg/m^3 and 1.23~1.96 mg/m^3. According to the data, the higher particulate concentrations were sampled in pre-operating area and incense-producing area. The ratios (respirable particulate concentration/total particulate concentration) in the most incense operating environments were greater than 60%. This finding indicated that operating workers were affected by the respirable-particulate exposure. Moreover, the heavy metals components in the sampled particulates and selected incenses were also measured, and the highest concentration of detected heavy metal were both Zn and Ba.


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