  • 學位論文


Exposure assessment of air bone PM2.5、respirable particles and heavy metals in a welding factory

指導教授 : 毛義方


銲接工作過程中會產生粉塵及燻煙且含有大量重金屬,吸入體內會造成金屬煙燻熱、重金屬中毒及呼吸道疾病影響健康甚巨。本研究選定中部某銲接工廠進行採樣,執行粉塵採樣分別為區域採樣、背景採樣及勞工個人採樣等三種,受採集工廠中,作業及未作業時產生的總粉塵、呼吸性粉塵及PM2.5採集樣本共222個,粉塵採樣後濾紙進行前處理及六位數天平秤重;加入硝酸溶液進行微波消化,消化液以0.4μm過濾膜過濾後,使用感應耦合電漿質譜分析儀(Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS)進行金屬定量分析。金屬分析項目包含鋁、鎂、鈦、鈹、鎵、鍶、銀、鎘、錫、銻、鋇、汞、鉛、釩、鉻、錳、鎳、鈷、砷、硒等二十種。 結果顯示銲接工廠粉塵金屬元素含量主要為錳、鎂元素,而錳元素濃度較高其濃度為53.767±19.957 mg/m3,且國際癌症研究機構將其歸類為族群2B可能對人類致癌物,勞工長期暴露在此作業環境下有致癌風險。本研究結果亦顯示在銲接工廠總粉塵、吸入性粉塵及PM2.5平均濃度分別為1.715±0.706 mg/m3、0.618±0.158 mg/m3及0.415±0.100 mg/m3 ;最高濃度分別為3.863±0.624mg/m3、0.842±0.100mg/m3、0.553±0.125 mg/m3皆未超過我國「勞工作業場所容許暴露標準」所規定之標準值,但重金屬錳超則超出美國ACGIH所規定之標準值(0.01 mg/m3)。 工廠勞工銲接時均未配戴呼吸防護口罩,常見的抱怨症狀為咳嗽及打噴嚏,建議銲接勞工應配戴呼吸防護具,減少工作時間和工作場所使用適當排氣設備,且雇主須定期實施員工健康檢查,並每天施行廠房除塵及清潔工作。


The welding produces dust, fumes and heavy metals in the work process. It may caused work metal poisoning metal fume fever and respiratory disease. This study is to explore the concentrations of total suspended particulates、respirable particles and PM2.5 in a welding factory in Taichung County. A total of 222 air samples wes collected by filtered paper, and weighed using a six-digit balance. Before microwave digestion, nitric acid was added into the sample; to digest, the digestive solution was filtrated by 0.4 μm membrane and further determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS); the twenty element analyzed include aluminum(Al), magnesium(Mg), titanium(Ti), beryllium(Be), gallium(Ga), strontium(Sr), silver(Ag), cadmium(Cd), tin(Sn), antimony(Sb), barium(Ba), mercury(Hg), lead(Pb), vanadium(V), chromium(Cr), manganese(Mn), nickel(Ni), cobalt(Co), arsenic(As),selenium(Se). The results of this study showed that the average concentration of total suspended particulates、respirable particles and PM2.5 in the air of the welding factory were 1.715±0.706 mg/m3, 0.618±0.158 mg/m3 and 0.415±0.100 mg/m3 , respectively;their highest concentration in the air of workplace 3.863±0.624 mg/m3, 0.842±0.100 mg/m3 and 0.553±0.125 mg/m3,respectively. The results also showed that Mn had higher level, Mn (53.767±19.957 μg/m3) higher than the threshold limited value (TLV) of ACGIH (0.01 mg/m3). Mn was Group 2B(possibly carcinogenic to humans) bythe IARC;therefore,the welders exposure to welding fume for long-term would increasing the carcinogenicity risk The commonly complained symptoms include of the studied workers coughing and sneezing. It is recommended that the welders should wear the respirators, reduce working hours, and use ventilation equipment in the workplace. Meanwhile, employers should conduct physical examinations regularly for employees and clean the workplace and their facilities daily.


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