  • 期刊


Discussion on Safety Management of Horizonal Lifeline used in Construction Engineering




Construction activity are mostly dangerous work when people who working at high place, the luck of facilities of horizontal lifeline setting and the worker not used safety belt correctly etc., these are the reason for falling. According to the practical survey of the horizonal lifeline wrong usage situation in the construction site are, 1) the setting of horizonal lifeline is lack all systems of safety design consideration; 2) the manager wrong choice for the material of strength by the horizonal lifeline types; 3) horizontal lifeline setting was not consistent; 4) incorrectly of anchor point fixed resulting in insufficient strength etc. Therefore, in order to avoid workers working at heights place occurs falling accidents, the suggestions for setting the horizontal lifeline are as follows: 1) from designer's viewpoint to check the regulatory requirements; 2) the design unit should include the installation cost of the horizonal lifeline into the contract; 3) for the selection and application of horizontal lifeline setting need to inspect the requirements of material variation strength and consistency; 4) according to the requirements of laws and regulations, the roof slab protruding from the edge shall be provided with railings of appropriate strength. And 5) the installation settings of the horizontal lifeline shall be included in the endorsement system to ensure the safety of its functions.


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