  • 學位論文


A Study on Effectiveness of Safety Audit in a Construction Site

指導教授 : 謝賢書 何三平


營造業所造成的重大職業災害,歷年來始終高居不下,工安界無不以此為重點,提出許多方法措施,試圖找出解決之道。施工安全檢查是營造業普遍採用的安全管理措施,但迄今,並未有任何研究,探討施工安全檢查的功效。 為了了解施工中工地安全檢查,對降低營造事故發生的有效性,本研究提出下列兩種評估方法,以供業界參採: 收集高架路段施工中檢查缺失及其發生的事故,經統計分析後,將分析的結果做比對,經由討論歸納,以印證安全檢查對降低營造工地意外事故的有效性。 將事故的各種原因,根據其經由檢查可被發現的程度和該事故原因改善的難易度,經與專家學者討論後,劃分為5個事故原因等級,各級分別冠以0~4分,予以量化,並制定檢查可觀察性指標計算式,代入事故分析的每一原因等級值,計算該事故檢查可觀察指標值,據以判定經由施工安全檢查,發現工地潛在危害的可能性。 本研究運用某軌道工程四年內,所蒐集15103筆的施工安全檢查數據及41筆意外事故調查資料,以上述的評估方法檢驗工程施工安全檢查的有效性,結果顯示,這兩種方法皆可做為施工安全檢查有效與否的客觀依據。


Construction safety has been the first priority during recent years due to repeated major occupational accidents in construction-related industries. Among the precautionary measures generally taken for industrial safety, construction safety inspection is the most common one. However, there is no research on the effectiveness of construction safety inspection. This paper aims to propose two evaluation methods to better understand and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of construction safety inspection. Our first method is to collect and analyze information on accidents in viaduct constructions and items that failed in their construction safety inspection. Through comparisons between facts of the accidents and disqualified entries on the inspection, we can therefore prove the effectiveness of construction safety inspection in accident reduction. A second method is to quantify the discoverability of potential construction hazards and the difficulty of improvements needed to avoid such accidents. After discussing with experts and scholars, we classify possible accident causes into five categories, labeled 0 to 4. We also draw up formulae to define inspection effectiveness index. By applying a quantified accident cause to the formulae, we can derive its effectiveness index number—the higher the number, the better the inspection effectiveness. This paper has tested and verified these two methods in the case of a viaduct construction over a four-year time span, from which information on 41 accidents and 15,103 construction inspection statistics are collected. We have proven the proposed methods to be objective and applicable in measuring effectiveness of construction inspection.


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