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Marginality, Monopoly, and Dependency: The Political Economic Concerns of Harold A. Innis


尹尼斯(Harold A. Innis)的「媒介理論」開創了媒介技術、傳播過程與社會文化政制的關聯性討論,但他的政治經濟批判卻鮮少受到重視。本文檢視尹尼斯的加拿大經濟史與政治經濟批判相關的著作,聚焦在他獨創的「大宗物資命題」(the staple thesis),意圖由重讀中挖掘新意。本文討論區分為三個部分:首先探討尹尼斯在批判傳播政治經濟學的邊陲角色;繼而以「大宗物資命題」中三個核心概念:邊陲、壟斷與依附,凸顯尹尼斯的政治經濟關懷;本文最後將此命題所凸顯的交通與傳播基礎設施對於社群性格的型塑,置於批判理論的系譜中,探討其鮮少被論及的「親族相似性」。


Harold A. Innis led the way in exploring the interplay of media technology, communication processes, and the formation of socio-cultural regimes. Despite known for his media theory, his political-economic writings hardly won due attention. The article examines Innis's works on Canada's national economic history and his political-economic critiques in an attempt to find new significance from rereading. The discussion unfolds with the marginality of Innis's image in critical political economics of communication theory. It is followed by an examination of Innis's "staple thesis," with particular attention paid to three key terms: marginality, monopoly, and dependency. The article ends with repositioning Innis's discussion on the molding of the social character by the infrastructure of transportation and communication within the genealogy of the critical theory to demonstrate their "family resemblance."
