  • 期刊


Detection of Heavy Metals in Commercial Cosmetics


化粧品市場在近幾年以來發展蓬勃,根據經濟部統計處所統計出來的數據中顯示,台灣在2018年藥粧零售業總營業額已超過2,000億新台幣,約為2017年總營業額的1.04倍。因此可得知化粧品對於現代人而言,已成為不可或缺的必備用品;但是人們很多時候在追求美麗、過於注重化粧品功效的同時,往往會忽略其中可能帶來的潛在危害。由於化粧品的危害往往與成分相關,本研究將針對市售化粧品中可能殘留各種重金屬包括砷、鉛、鎘與汞四項進行調查。收集於2018年1月1日至2019年6月30日間,委託新北市某檢驗科技有限公司之檢測檢體,利用感應耦合電漿放射光譜儀(inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer, ICP-OES)檢驗市售、研發及草本植物萃取物化粧品等共800件。其中,砷、鉛、鎘及汞分別檢出14、16、5及4件,總檢出率為4.88%(39/800)。依據政府主管部門公告之化粧品重金屬中砷、鉛、鎘及汞的限量標準(分別為3、10、5及1 ppm),因此,檢出的化粧品中,砷、鉛、鎘及汞分別超出公告限量標準的件數分別為9、4、2及4件,不合格總件數占2.38%(19/800)。進一步比較各檢體基質間之檢出率及不合格率,其中以化粧品草本植物萃取物類所殘留的重金屬含量佔比較高,值得衛生主管單位及消費者注意。


化粧品 重金屬 感應耦合電漿放射光譜儀


The cosmetic market is highly flourished in recent years. According to the Statistics Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the total cosmeceuticals retail sales in 2018 exceeded NT $ 200 billion in Taiwan.Therefore, cosmetics have become an indispensable necessity for modern people, but they often overlook the potential hazards of cosmetics. Since the hazards of cosmetics are related to their ingredients, this study investigated four types of heavy metals including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in cosmetics. The test specimens were collected from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 by a third-party testing laboratory in New Taipei City. The specimens were examined with an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). A total of 800 cosmetic specimens from supermarkets, drug stores, research and development labs, and cosmetics containing herbal extracts were examined.Among them, arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury were detected in 14, 16, 5, and 4 specimens, respectively, with a total detection rate of 4.88% (39/800). As the limit standards for arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury in cosmetics are 3, 10, 5, and 1 ppm, respectively, the numbers of unqualified specimen for arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury in cosmeceuticals were 9, 4, 2, and 4, respectively. Therefore, the total non-conformance rate for heavy metals was 2.38% (19/800). Among them, heavy metal residues in herbal extract-containing cosmetics were higher than in other types of specimens. The findings of this study deserve the attention of health authorities and consumers.
