  • 期刊


Performance of Two High-throughput Instruments for Detection of COVID-19 Virus


在2020年初,新冠肺炎(COVID-19)病毒的感染開始造成全球的大流行,而台灣亦於2021年5月爆發感染,隨著檢驗量的上升,檢驗室欲在短時間內完成大量SARS-CoV-2的PCR試驗,有必要具備高通量的PCR檢驗機台。本檢驗室從2021年5月至8月初使用兩種高通量儀器,包括QVS-96S(大江基因醫學有限公司,台灣)與LabTurbo^(TM) AIO SP-qPCR(列特博生技公司,台灣),共檢測約25,000個COVID-19檢體。本研究比較兩種機台的偵測SARS-CoV-2的效能,其中,QVS-96S為全自動新冠病毒檢測平台,一天可檢測768個檢體,具有較高通量檢測及避免汙染的優點;雖然LabTurbo^(TM) AIO SP-qPCR一天僅可檢測384個檢體,但可彈性地選擇上機數量以及操作容易。吾等認為當檢體超過200個以上時,可將兩機台同時運作,若僅48個或以下時,則優先選擇LabTurbo^(TM) AIO SP-qPCR。如果空間和人力允許,檢驗室最好至少擁有兩台高通量儀器,以滿足疫情期間大批量檢測的需求,並可相互驗證結果。同時當故障發生時,可互相支援,讓SARS-CoV-2的PCR檢驗工作能及時完成。


COVID-19 became pandemic in early 2020, and an occurred in Taiwan in May 2021. As a large number of PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 need to be performed within a short period of time, it is necessary to use high-throughput PCR instruments. From May to early August 2021, our laboratory tested approximately 25,000 COVID- 19 specimens using two high-throughput instruments, including QVS-96S (TCI, Ltd., Taiwan) and LabTurbo^(TM) AIO SP-qPCR (Labturbo Biotech Co., Taiwan). In this study, we compared the efficiency of these two instruments in the detection of SARS-CoV-2. QVS-96S is a fully automated detection platform and can run 768 specimens a day. Although the LabTurbo^(TM) AIO SP-qPCR instrument can run only 384 samples a day, it has the flexibility of setting desired number of tests and is very easy to operate. In our opinion, both instruments can be operated at the same time when there are more than 200 samples. The LabTurbo^(TM) AIO SP-qPCR instrument would be more appropriate when the number of samples is 48 or less. If space and manpower allow, it is the best for a laboratory to have at least two high-throughput instruments in order to meet the demand of high-volume testing during an outbreak and to verify results of each other.
