  • 會議論文


Exploration of Creativity and Cognitive Process in the Engineering Education


工程教育主要目標為培育具有產業所需工程技術能力的人才;然而,隨著競爭市場結構的轉變,產業界所需的人力也逐漸趨向具跨領域經驗且富有創新思維者,工程教育目標也應導向於培養具備用創新方式解決工程問題能力之學生,透過設計創意思考及整合性課程,培養學生具備創造思考、批判反省、適應變遷的技能。 在過去的創造力教育課程中,其創造力的評估,大多都以學生最後的成品,來做為評判標準,鮮少針對創造力的發生過程進行分析,若能在課程中融入學習平台,發掘創造發展歷程中隱含的豐富資訊與價值,並透過結構化的分析,有效找出學生創造力發展的行為過程與個別特性,有助於創造力歷程的研究與教導。有鑑於此,本研究則以創造力發展理論為基礎,依據資訊工程專題課程之學習目標與教學策略,於學習平台後端,設計、規劃與建置學習歷程之紀錄項目。參與之學習者透過學習平台,依授課教師之指引,進行相關課程之活動;藉由歷程記錄,可更清楚多維思想脈絡的發展以及創新思維的強度。經研究分析結果可知,創造力高的學習者,其獨立思考與解決問題之能力比創造力低的學習者表現優秀,認知層次部分,創造力高的學習者,經常於活動過程中表現出分析、綜合、評價之能力。


The main objective of engineering education is to cultivate students to possess capabilities demanded by industries. However, the demanded skills by industry have largely fallen into interdisciplinary experiences with creative thinking capability due to emerging competitive markets. Therefore, today’s engineering education should design appropriate curricula to inspire students' critical thinking so as to foster their creativity in order to solve sophisticated engineering problems. Unfortunately, in current engineering courses, most instructors merely evaluate students' creativity skills by their final results or works, rarely having an insight into the process of forming creativity into perspective. Thus, if a learning platform integrated into the curriculum to explore wealthy and valuable information, and found out the creativity processes and individual characteristics through structured analysis, instructors could take a proper guidance to an individual and leverage the teaching effectiveness. To achieve the purpose, based on creativity development theory, this study designed and developed the learning portfolio items constructed in the backend of a learning platform according to learning objectives and teaching strategies of engineering project course. The students did learning activities following the instructor's planning and guidance in the learning platform. Through the recorded information, the development of multi-dimensional thinking and strength of innovative thinking are more understand. According to the analysis results, high creativity learners resulting in better independent thinking and problem solving skills than lower creativity learners. For the cognitive level, the high creativity learners frequently demonstrated their superiority in the problem analysis, and synthesis during the learning activity.
