  • 會議論文


A Study of Design-Oriented Creative Curriculum for Technology Education


面對新經濟時代的來臨,提升教育品質成爲社會發展的影響因素,而創新思考能力的培育與人力素質的提升,更是成爲重要的關鍵。教育部在《創造力教育政策白皮書》中明確的指出世界各國對推動創造力教育的重視,在參考各國直接將創意融入教學情境中的不同作法後,提出了我國創造力教育現況的幾項基本問題,包含(1)創造力發揮之社會條件已成熟,但對創造力之認知仍嫌偏狹與不足;(2)教育政策強調創造力,但相關法制亟待整合和加強;與(3)推動教育創新之資源普遍不足(教育部,2002)。 九年一貫生活科技學習領域的課程特質在於強調有關「實作技能(practical skills)」、「設計導向(design-oriented)」與「問題解決(problem solving)」的方法;生活科技課程與學校大部分知識學科學習方式不同之處在於提供學生動手操作機會讓學生有成就感,同時讓學生了解人類各種活動本質,學習活動提供學生學習理論與真實世界實際事物對照的機會,由於課程內容牽涉到社會不同層面的相關活動,因此生活科技教育具有整合學科知識與實際經驗的教學特質(王鼎銘,1999)。以設計爲導向的生活科技創新課程設計主要強調激發學生創造力,強化動機、覺察力、好奇心、專注力及成就等學習要項,主要目的在於強化學生學習生活科技課程的成效。


When facing the era of new economics, we have to breed new intellectuals and to promote quality. In other words, education becomes the basic resort. (Education Department 2000) ”The Creative Education Policy” from the Ministry of Education indicated that developed countries promotes the creative education seriously. The creative ideas should be fused into school teaching or daily life. It also points out some basic questions of creative education in our country. -(1) Although the conditions of a creative society are available, the cognition of creation is rare, (2) Rules related with the creative education are not adequate, (3) The resources in promoting the creative education are not enough. (Education Department 2002) The 9-year consecutive living technology education curriculum emphasizes the methods of practical skills, design and problem solving. (Li, 2001) Most of these learning methods are different from that of the science knowledge subjects. The methods promote students to practice by themselves. It makes student have job satisfaction, and to understand the essence of various human activities. Students would also learn the differences between theory and practice. The contents of the living technology education include various fields of the society. Hence the living technology education would integrate with the science knowledge subjects. This is its characteristic (Wang, 1999). If the design-oriented creative living technology education curriculum could be made and students' creative power, motives, perceptions, curiosity and concentration could be promoted, the effects of the learning would be strengthened.


Design Technology Education
