

背景與目的:耳科手術訓練中顳骨研磨是很重要的部分,然而大體顳骨取得不易,近年來發展出多種高擬真顳骨訓練。本篇研究利用實證醫學方式,回顧近五年高擬真顳骨的使用經驗。研究方法:我們在2017年1月PubMed資料庫,以"temporal bone"及"simulation"為關鍵字,搜尋相關文獻。結果:搜尋到95篇文獻,經過篩選後有22篇文獻符合條件。以電腦顳骨研磨佔多數,共12篇;3D列印顳骨研究2篇;大體、3D列印顳骨、電腦顳骨相互比較8篇。結論:高擬真顳骨發展至今已趨成熟,有助於醫學生與住院醫師的解剖教學與手術技巧訓練,然而仍無法取代大體顳骨。現今趨勢在發展手術前預演的高擬真顳骨,用來幫助術前計畫。


Background: The temporal bone dissection is an important part of ear surgeries training. Many kinds of substitutes of cadaveric temporal bones had been developed in recent years due to the shortage of cadaveric temporal bones. The aim of the study is to review the evidence of the experience in using the high fidelity virtual reality temporal bones or 3D temporal bone models in the recent five years. Material and Method: PubMed database was searched in January 2017 with the key words of "temporal bone" and "simulation". Results: There were a total of 95 articles identified. Out of these, 22 articles met the selection criteria, including 12 virtual reality computer temporal bone simulator, 2 three-dimensional temporal bone models, and 8 studies comparing the experience of computer temporal bones, 3D printed temporal bones, and cadaveric temporal bones. Conclusions: Virtual reality temporal bone simulation and 3D printed temporal bones are beneficial in training the knowledge of temporal bone anatomy and surgical skills. Cadaveric temporal bones are highly valuable in acquiring advanced techniques. The trend of the development of the simulation nowadays is the pre-operative case specific rehearsal in temporal bone surgeries.

