  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for Postgraduate Year (PGY) Dietitians in Yi-Hua District, Taiwan


背景與目的:本文探討台灣宜花區不同層級教學醫院之畢業後(Post graduate year, PGY)營養師經由聯合客觀性結構式臨床技能測驗(objective structured clinical examinations, OSCE)規劃與執行過程,能將做為醫療院所PGY營養師的教學評量工具,其測驗結果亦做為未來設計類似課程的參考。研究方法:分析自2014年至2019年持續進行5場次之聯合OSCE成果。考生是任職於宜蘭、花蓮等3家教學層級以上的醫院,自學校畢業後領有營養師證書四年內的PGY營養師。研究結果:結果顯示,共16名營養師參加。利用聯合OSCE測驗之成績表現比較,發現整體PGY營養師的「醫病溝通」技能平均分數皆比其它臨床技能都較高(4.6±0.3)。另一方面,PGY營養師填答滿意度問卷結果顯示,滿意度最高的是「標準化病人演出像是真實病人」(4.9±0.3)。結論:故透過此標準化病人的實境模擬之測驗,考官不但可以了解PGY營養師與病人、醫護的溝通能力、及擬定飲食計畫等專業諮詢之臨床技能,同時具體了解PGY營養師的執業能力,更有助於提升病人安全。


Objective: This article evaluates the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) planning and execution process of post-graduate year (PGY) dietitians at various teaching hospitals in Yi-Hua District, Taiwan. Expected the OSCE's evaluation tools and tests can be used as a reference point in designing other similar courses. Method: The OSCE took place over 5 sessions from 2014 to 2019, and 16 candidates took part in it. These PGY dietitians were employed in three teaching hospitals in Yilan and Hualien, and they were less than four years after graduation. Results: It was found that, out of the PGY dietitians' overall performance in the OSCE, the average score (4.6 ± 0.3) in the "medical communication" skills category was higher than in other clinical areas. On the other hand, the results of a satisfaction questionnaire completed by the PGY dietitians showed that their highest degree of satisfaction (4.9 ± 0.3) was for "standardized patients acting like real patients". Conclusions: Therefore, in a reality simulation test on standardized patients, the examiner scored the PGY dietitians highly in how they communicated with patients, doctors, and nurses, and also in how they conducted consultations with patients, such as when preparing diet plans. In this way, the examiners were confident in the PGY dietitians' professional abilities and their role in improving patient safety.


PGY Dietitian Standard Patient OSCE
