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Narrating a Social Entrepreneur's Incubation and Practice


「敘說探究」(Narrative Inquiry)起源於文學領域,在80年代以來一波轉向研究語言的熱潮,開始被應用在社會行動與人類組織領域中(蔡敦浩、施進中、利尚仁,2010),近年,敘說探究亦受到創業研究學者們的注意。知名創業研究學者Gartner(2007)在為Journal of Business Venturing策劃特刊上,即是以A Toy Store(y)創業故事為敘說文本,邀請六位學者分別以不同理論視角對文本進行分析,精彩地展現敘說探究在創業研究領域所開採出的多元面貌。在近六年浸淫於高雄與澎湖社會創業(social entrepreneurship)研究與田野場域後,我們也發現台灣社會創業的空間是如此地豐饒與趣味充滿,因此三位作者們嘗試通過敘說取徑的視角,來開採自身處於研究與實作場域中社會創業的真實面貌。透過社會創業的理論觀點,並且與行動者的敘說文本進行對話後,發現社會創業的理念浮現、萌芽與開展是來自於 「創業者知識疆界的打開」、「創業者與土地連結的實作歷程(practical process)」、以及從都市到離島「創業者創業空間的延伸」。最後,我們提出學校應該扮演社會創業者育成與發展的推手,同時也期望能推動以敘說探究來挖掘台灣社會創業者的實作知識,以豐富、延伸台灣在社會創業研究的領域。


This article is inspired by William B. Gartner's special issue on Journal of Business 2007. In this special issue Gartner introduces entrepreneurial narrative that provides theoretical and empirical links between scholarship in narrative and entrepreneurship as well as demonstrates how theories and methods in narrative may be applied to the study of entrepreneurship as a phenomenon. From its early roots in examining what distinguishes entrepreneur from managers, research on entrepreneurship has expanded to encompass a wide array of topics and perspectives. There is at least anecdotal evidence that entrepreneurs often engage in entrepreneuring from motives other than wealth. This article outlines a narrative inquiry to understanding how a female social entrepreneur's imagination and action during 6 years practical process on her social fields. Narrative approaches provide some very powerful tools to exploring what entrepreneurs say about what they have done. In the process of analyzing other people's stories, we, as researchers, are also looking into the mirror of those stories of how social entrepreneur's engaging in entrepreneurship from motives other than wealth. Finally, the goal of this article stress that entrepreneurial narrative do provide the richness, complexity, and depth of narrative scholarship as applied to the social entrepreneurship field.


陳柏亘(2016)。敘說探究「創業計畫,不計畫!?」─ 以U-start創業計畫個案為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0028-2206201613540700
