  • 學位論文

敘說探究「創業計畫,不計畫!?」─ 以U-start創業計畫個案為例

Narrative Inquiry on “Planed or not Planed Entrepreneurship!?” - The Case of U-start Entrepreneurship Program.

指導教授 : 蔡璞


隨著科技的日新月異,全球的經濟型態逐漸由管理型經濟轉換為創業型經濟;我國政府、企業隨著創業風潮的興起,推出許多創業相關的輔導與補助措施,提供民眾必要的創業協助與支援,也提供了年輕人大專畢業後另一種就業的選擇。在這種氛圍下,創業的門檻較過去更低,因此吸引許多年輕人選擇創業做為就業的途徑。然在如此低的創業門檻下,是否引發不同於以往的創業行為或態度?而使得政府協助年輕人創業的美意與意圖,大打折扣。 有鑑於此,本研究採用質性研究方法的敘說探究,針對曾參與教育部U-start創業計畫的四位青年創業家的現身說法,進行深度的訪談與蒐集資料;藉以分析現代年輕人創業的態度,以及政府輔導與補助創業措施對其創業的影響。 本研究藉由這四位青年創業家的創業歷程與心境轉折,綜合歸納出現代年輕人的創業具有「小確幸」特性;也就是在創業資源豐富的環境下走上創業之路的年輕人寧願滿足於追求小小的夢想,而經營微型企業。這種在富足創業環境下創業的心態,呼應了先前「資深」企業家對年輕人創業滿足於經營咖啡館,以尋求小確幸的質疑。在研究過程中,本研究亦發現雖然四位青年創業家的成長環境各自不同,但亦有相似之處;也就是創業的目的不再只是賺錢,最終是因為「情感」的連結才走上創業之路;現代年輕人能夠以簡單的「情感」滿足型態方式進行創業,進而延伸所謂的「小確幸」創業的心境。 雖然這四位年輕創業家,分別被歸類為三種類型的創業家:原生型、誘發型及感染型的創業家;然亦可由其身上找到終身學習的創業家特質;此外,他們並非只有靠運氣、情感而創業,仍有部份潛在的創業家突破現況、勇於面對困境的人格特質,才能夠在創業過程遇到困境時,以正面的能量堅持下去。 這些原先並不準備但被U-start激發創業的年輕創業家,在創業的過程吃足苦頭;但深究他們所面對的問題往往都是因創業準備不足而面臨的創業管理議題,例如:不知道如何管理資金、不知道善用人力、不知道如何做出市場決策、…等等;改善這些問題的方式,其實是可以透過在校期間的創業教育,大幅降低青年創業的風險與荊棘。創業教育的目的,並不是期望年輕人畢業後就一定要創業,而是進行多元的訓練,以期在畢業後提高就業競爭力,以及提高創業的存活率。因此,政府在推行創業輔導計畫的同時,能先瞭解現代年輕人之所以會產生「小確幸」創業行為的因素,適時的調整政策,將有助於資源的有效運用。


As technology evolves, the global economy gradually transforms from a managed economy to an entrepreneurial economy. The Taiwan government and enterprise offers helpful entrepreneurship counseling for the next entrepreneurial wave, which not only enables start-up ideas to develop but also provides young college graduates with another employment option. In this atmosphere, the start-up threshold is lower than ever before, which has attracted many young people to choose entrepreneurship as their career. Consequently, we wondered whether the behavior and attitudes in new start-ups would differ from those previously expected by the government. By using the narrative inquiry method, we focused on four young entrepreneurs who attended a U-start entrepreneurship mentoring program, and collected information through in-depth interviews about their experiences of participating in the program. We thereby analyzed young entrepreneurs’ attitudes and examined the effect of the government’s counseling policy. In this study, we invited young entrepreneurs with a “small bliss” mindset, which can be defined as young entrepreneurs opening a start-up to pursue their dreams rather than earn money. The results showed the existence of “small bliss” among a new generation of entrepreneurs who gain satisfaction easily, as has been indicated by senior entrepreneurs. We also observed similarities in that the basic purpose of start-ups is no longer to make money but is instead related to emotion, regardless of differing growth environments. Young entrepreneurs with this simple emotional way of thinking demonstrate the so-called “small bliss” entrepreneurial state of mind. Four young entrepreneurs were classified into three types, which were “native type,” “induced type,” and “infection type,” but they all shared the same characteristic of “lifelong learning.” They relied not only on luck and emotion in their start-up, but also required the potential to break the bad situation and encourage themselves in order to contend with difficulties during the start-up process with positive thinking and preservation. These entrepreneurs had never considered opening their own businesses but were stimulated by the U-start entrepreneurship mentoring program. The main difficulty faced by these young entrepreneurs was entrepreneurial management issues caused by a lack of knowledge on factors such as managing money, organizing staff, and promoting and marketing. One effective solution for these problems is entrepreneurship education from school, which would considerably reduce the risk for young entrepreneurs. The purpose of entrepreneurship education is not to persuade young people to open start-ups but to diversify training to increase employment competitiveness and improve start-up survival. Therefore, when the government offers start-up counseling, it should understand why young people have “small bliss” entrepreneurial behaviors, and gradually adjust policies to make resource usage more effective.


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