  • 期刊


"New Exodus": A Theological Enquiry of the Exodus- Motif in Isaiah 19:16-25


在舊約/希伯來聖經裡「出埃及」一直是個重要的神學主題,而先知書對這主題也有不同角度的探討,例如以賽亞書40-55章(第二以賽亞書)結合創造與拯救的觀點重新詮釋出埃及的主題(參賽43:14-21)。事實上,在第一以賽亞書裡(賽1-39章)也出現出埃及主題的重新詮釋。本篇論文分析出埃及的主題如何呈現在以賽亞書19:16-25的經文中。這段經文是一首詩歌,分別以「在那日」做為各詩段的起頭,預告終末「出埃及」的實現(19:16, 18, 19, 21, 23,24)。值得注意的是,在終末的日子,以色列的宿敵亞述和埃及都將敬拜雅威,成為雅威的百姓。以色列、埃及、和亞述共同敬奉一位上帝,呈現新出埃及的嶄新面貌。


The Exodus-motif is an important theological theme in the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. This motif is discussed through various perspectives in the Books of the Prophets. For example, Isaiah 40-55 (the Deutero-Isaiah) reinterprets the Exodus-motif by combining the aspects of creation and salvation (cf. 43:14-21). In fact, the Exodusmotif is reinterpreted also in Isaiah 1-39. This paper analyses the way the Exodus-motif is represented in Isaiah 19:16-25. This text is a poem, and is characterized by the phrase "on that day" at the beginning of each stanza (19:16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24). It anticipates an eschatological realization of a new Exodus. It is noteworthy that in the last days, Israel's former archenemies Assyria and Egypt, will worship Yahweh, and as a result, they will become the peoples of Yahweh. Therefore the worship of Israel, Egypt, and Assyria of the same God, Yahweh will present a fresh phenomenon of a new Exodus.
