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Mothering via Queuing: Intensive responding-to-needs motherhood embodied in the purchase of masks


新冠肺炎(COVID-19)能以人傳人感染途徑的特殊性,使人們日常生活為之變異,特別是疫情爆發2020 年初至今,臺灣仍不乏可見排隊買口罩現象。然而,口罩不僅是關鍵性的日常防疫媒介,亦可能是性別意義的載體,包括映現作為母親的女性,如何藉由排隊買口罩來做「母」職,或藉此實踐與他人的親密性。若從媒體文本可見,排隊買口罩的女性,多是替家人等具親密關係身分購買;而在表徵看似無意義、虛耗時間、甚至引發網路訕笑謾罵的排隊買口罩行為,或許正是置身疫情動盪不安的為母者,所產生另類賦能與性別行動。本文將透過網路媒體進行文本分析,以性別研究理論視角為切點,將Maslow(1970)的需求理論為基底,延伸Hays(1996)的密集母職理論,提煉「密集回應需求母職」論點,指出「需求」或許不僅是客觀性的生理需求,更有可能蘊含社會文化所建構的需求。在性別結構期待母職時刻回應社會層層要求脈絡下,進而探討媽媽們排隊購買口罩的主體論述經驗,可能體現哪些母職實踐的想像或處境?那些訓斥排隊買口罩言論,又反映社會如何對女性或母職弱化、貶抑及同質化的性別現象?並盼透過本文論析,再思疫情特殊脈絡下,多面向的社會行動經驗與性別張力。


COVID-19, which can spread between humans, has made people change their daily lives. In Taiwan, people have to wait in lines to buy face masks. It is noteworthy that these masks not only protect people from the disease but also reflect public imagination regarding sexuality. The major purchasers, according to my collection of data from social media, are women who are also mothers. Since these women wait in the queue to get masks not just for themselves but for their family, they have transformed the seemingly trivial, boring, and time-wasting process into a way of practicing motherhood. In other words, they have empowered themselves as mothers via queuing for masks in the midst of the pandemic. By conducting textual analysis on social media posts through the lens of Maslow's categories of needs and Sharon Hays' "intensive mothering," this paper maintains that there is a kind of "intensive responding-to-needs motherhood," which tries to meet socioculturally constructed as well as physical needs. In addition, this paper discusses the ideologies about gender and sexuality behind the posts which pour ridicule on the queuing phenomenon.
