  • 期刊


Comparison of Nitrogen Budget Models between Organic Duck-Rearing Paddy Field and Conventional Paddy Field




合鴨農法 慣行農法 氮收支 固氮


Owning to the rise of environmental consciousness and concerns about harmful effects of chemical compounds on the human body during agricultural processes around the whole world, the traditional rice-duck organic farming, the common agricultural methods in rural area between 1945 and 1971, becomes popular again in Taiwan. Different from conventional farming, the method of rice-duck organic farming uses ducks instead of pesticides and chemical fertilizers to feed pests and stamp paddy fields for suppressing weed and increasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Meanwhile, as a result of the reducing the amount of organic fertilizer, the duck organic farming can diminish the amount of nutrient overflowing into the environment. By building up the nitrogen budget model of rice-duck organic farming, the purpose of this study is to understand whether rice-duck organic farming can reduce the impact of fertilizer on the environment and maintain fertility by comparing nitrogen loss during the processes of cultivation and the capability of fixed nitrogen and the inhibition of apple snails and other pests between rice-duck organic and conventional farming. The results showed that the amount of nitrogen loss during the drainage is 57.79 g-m^(-2) in duck paddy field and 62.79 g-m^(-2) in conventional paddy field respectively. The amount of soil nitrogen was 8.7 g-m^(-2) in duck paddy field and 21.4 g-m^(-2) in conventional paddy field, which indicated the latter would release more nitrogen into the environment during the fallow. Nitrogen fixation was the dominating factor affecting the change in the amount of soil nitrogen. There were 64.06 g-m^(-2) in duck paddy field nitrogen and 54.07 g-m^(-2) in conventional paddy field of nitrogen fixed in the soil, which suggested rice-duck paddy field had better capability of nitrogen fixation in the soil. Without spilling tea-seed meal, the number of apple snails would be out of control; on the contrary, the number of apple snails in the duck paddy field had been maintained in 0-20 per 9 m^2 by duck feeding. In the conclusion, compared to conventional paddy farming, duck farming, without pesticide and chemical fertility, not only showed more control over the number of apple snails and other pests, but also reduced the environmental impact by the loss of nitrogen produced from agricultural activities, to likely achieve sustainability agricultural use.
