  • 期刊


Shaded Growth of Ecological Tea in New Taipei and Pangolin Foraging Burrows


穿山甲是全球最瀕危的物種之一,有必要保全北臺灣低海拔山地的珍貴稀有族群,使之永續於郊山的農林地景間。新北市新店區四嵌水地帶,保有10 ha粗放栽植的老茶樹,生長於天然遮陰的樟楠林內,林下更新良好可成為阿薩姆大葉種(Camelliasinensis)的穩定採收基地。六茶區共在2018年夏季前登錄44處新鮮穿山甲覓食掘穴,由地理資訊系統(GIS)的空間近鄰分析顯示:穿山甲掘穴顯著群聚於日照茶區,其出現頻度可做為覓食活動量指標。穿山甲覓食與茶區光度相關:茶區1-2區最為遮陰,林下日照破空度最低,也使穿山甲活動量最低,覓食掘穴只占9%-13%;而從2015-2018年每木調查得知,遮陰林產茶稚樹的地徑生長率皆不及1.7倍,最為緩慢。相反地,林下日照強、破空度大的茶5區,穿山甲有較頻繁覓食活動(34%);光照有利條件亦帶動茶樹生長,地徑成長倍增,且顯著高於遮陰茶區。由於粗放混農茶園經營,大幅減少人為活動干擾,也讓茶區沿溫濕度梯度鑲嵌配置的地景,其微棲地氣候有利於穿山甲覓食乃至繁殖季活動,採收的茶芽一心二葉風味深厚,具有兼顧野生動物保育的生態茶發展潛力。


Pangolin is one of the most endangered species in the world. It is necessary to preserve the lowland habitat in the northern rural Taiwan in order to avoid further discontinuous fragmentation of residual populations. The historic tea hills (10 ha) in Xindian District, New Taipei City, had a variety of shaded tea plantations of Camellia sinensis within the native diverse flora. The remaining tea agroforests were divided into 6 areas of tea production since 2014, according to the elevation between 401m and 484m. Before the summer of 2018, 44 newly founding pangolin burrows were documented, and the analyses of geographical information system (GIS) demonstrated a clumped effect, particularly on the sun tea area, probably related to pangolin food of ant or termite populations. Pangolin foraging ground has been related with local canopy openness. Shade tea areas (1-2) had lowest understory openness, as well as lowest percentages of pangolin activities, up to 9-13% across 6 areas. In the ground diameter survey of tea trees, the three-year growth magnitude of the shade tea was also lowest, about 1.7 times in average. However, the sun tea area (5) promoted a peaked number of pangolin foraging activities (34%), as well as a doubled magnitude of tea growth rate, which was significantly larger than shade tea areas. To summarize, the agroforests of ecological tea have reduced human disturbance, diverse wildlife, organic agriculture, and an increased tea production. Local temperature-humidity gradients have been proved to benefit to termite-ant functioning, endangered pangolin populations and a unique satoyama tea flavor.
