  • 會議論文


The Impact of User Technology Fit and Knowledge Sharing on Virtual Community Performance


最近以來資訊科技使用者十分流行參與虛擬社群,亦即虛擬社群使用者常經藉由網際網路的協助,得以跨越空間的阻隔,進而在網際網路線上找到同時具有相同的興趣或喜好者(例如:知識議題討論與求解、團聚購物、美食旅遊、動漫遊戲、升學研究…等),然後社群媒體使用者亦可藉由虛擬社群的媒介進而能對於該社群產生認同及歸屬感並進而提升其社群績效。正因為所謂的「工欲善其事必先利其器」,所有成功的任務解決,都需要適合的資訊科技能夠配合社群媒體使用者的需求與能力,來發揮資訊科技最大效果。當使用者能夠使用符合他自己所需的社群媒體時,藉由資訊科技所發揮的知識分享將更可以提升虛擬社群內個人與組織的績效。社群媒體使用者因為在進行不同的心理考量時會有不同的需求,同時且因為使用者的特質也不同,所以他們所需要與能夠應用的資訊科技也將不同,因而其所想使用的社群媒體也會有所不同。先前的資訊管理研究都是著重在認知行為的探討,過去也鮮少有研究從使用者與科技配適(User-Technology Fit, UTF)觀點探討如何透過社群媒體來分享群體內個人的內隱知識。本研究發現社群媒體使用者所使用的資訊科技特質間的配適的確會先影響虛擬社群的知識分享,最終再影響虛擬社群本身績效的提升。


Recently, users of information technology is very actively participate virtual community. Through by the help of Internet, virtual community users cross the barrier of time and space to connect each other and thus found those who has the same interests or preferences online at the Internet simultaneously. Therefore, those social media users can be contacted by the media on the internet and thus virtual community can generate a sense of belonging and identity to enhance the performance of their communities. There exist an old Chinese proverb-"Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job", which mean solving all the tasks successfully, you will need the appropriate information technology to meet the requirement of social media users, and he also have to has the ability to exert maximum effect of information technology. When the user can use the right information technology for participating virtual community, then the personal and organizational performance of virtual community users can be enhanced through the virtual knowledge-sharing within the community. Previous knowledge management research mostly focuses on cognitive behavior; but seldom from users and technology fit (User-Technology Fit, UTF) perspectives to study how to share individual's implicit knowledge via social media within the group or organization. This study reveal the fit between the social media users and the IT he used will influence knowledge sharing and eventually affect and improve the virtual community's performance.
