  • 期刊


Explore tourists’ revisit intention of a small island in Taiwan - A case study of Lanyu tourism


近年來政府大力推廣台灣地方文化特色旅遊,蘭嶼因特殊地理環境,是目前台灣後花園,海上較沒有開發的處女地。蘭嶼擁有豐富的自然生態及特殊文化特色資源,具有獨特的離島風情受到不少國內外旅遊的人士青睞,近年來在觀光發展事業上大大提升。本研究之主要目的在探討觀光客對蘭嶼旅遊之體驗滿意度及重遊意願。結果顯示 1.在旅遊設施豐富感受程度上,遊客認為軟體設施顯著較硬體設施充足(P<0.001, Z value=-8.501)。2.旅遊設施安全滿意度,平均值為 3.66±0.75,顯示基本安全設施是可接受的。3.重遊意願方面,研究顯示平均分數高達 3.92±0.84,遊客有高重遊意願,且主要在心靈層面之重遊意願顯著大於民生層面。4. 在重遊意願之預測力上,對旅遊設施之滿意度及安全性高對重遊意願具有影響力,設施滿意度之影響比例較高(β =0.65);且以軟體設施對重遊意願(β =0.82)有較高的影響。


蘭嶼 重遊意願 滿意度


In recent years, Taiwan government promotes local cultural tourism. Lanyu, an undeveloped virgin island, is paid attention owing to its special geographical environment as Taiwan's garden at sea. Lanyu is rich in natural resources, ecology and special cultural characteristics. The Islands have a unique nature environment favored by many people travelers, so the tourism in Lanyu is getting popular in recent years. The purpose of this study is to explore the tourists’ travel satisfaction in Lanyu and their revisit Intention. The results show in the richness of experience, the tourist facilities in software is significantly higher than that of hardware (P <0.001, Z value = -8.501). Second, the safety satisfaction, with an average of 3.66 ± 0.75, shows the safety of tourism facilities is acceptable. Third, the average score of the revisit intention is 3.92 ± 0.84 indicating visitors have a high willingness to revisit Lanyu. They are attracted greater mentally than physically. Finally, the tourism facilities satisfaction and safety affect the prediction of revisit intention. The facilities satisfaction as a higher influence than facilities safety (β = 0.65). In addition, tourism facilities in software has an absolute impact on revisit intention (β = 0.82).


Lanyu special tourism revisit intention
