  • 會議論文

강점기 언어정책에 대하여-한국과 대만을 중심으로

A Contrastive Study on the Language Strategy of Korea and Taiwan in the Japanese-Occupied Period


Both Taiwan and Korea had a piece of sad histories, which was they were both once the colonies of Japan. In 1895, the Qing dynasty was defeated and signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and ceded Taiwan to Japan. In 1910, Japan signed the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty with the Empire of Korea, and subsumed Korea as a colony officially. Until the end of World War II, while Japan surrendered unconditionally and gave back the colonies, Taiwan had gone through a 50-year dominion, and Korea had been exploited by Japan for 35 years. This article is mainly about the linguistic assimilation strategy, which Japanese used in Taiwan and Korea in the colonial period, to see how it was performed in the colonies, by what means, and how were the consequences in Taiwan and Korea. Since 19th century, the concept of colonization was passed on from the west to the east, which is to plunder the resources as their prior interests. Later on, the capitalism and liberalism proposed by America started to prevail, let the suzerains gradually ceased the inferior treatment to their colonies. Nevertheless, Japan strengthened the control to their colonies, and reinforced discrimination. After the big war, they even conscripted Taiwanese and Korean teenagers to join the army by force. Japan once revealed to assimilate their colonies, which is to let the people of the colonies and the nationals have the same rights and obligations. However, this could only be possibly accepted on the land of Taiwan. The exploration of colonies is a huge task; it involves the essences, times, backgrounds, humanities, internal and external introspection, colonial suzerains and many more. This article is unable to make a thorough exploration; it only attempts to discuss Taiwanese and Korean colonial language strategies, and the other details and analysis will be worked on later.
