  • 期刊


The Research on Learning Effect and Design of General Chemistry Labortory Web Course


隨著資訊科技的發達,學校的教學模式逐漸的由單向教學轉為雙向,甚至師生之間的互動、學生與學生之間互相討論的情形也逐步增加中。普通化學實驗是大一學生極為重要也是最基礎的課程,由於其在傳統教學方式上遭遇許多各式各樣的瓶頸,經過多次討論、研究,以尋求適合的解決方業及實驗教學方法,於是我們選擇以網路多媒體(MMX)的方式為教材,包括虛擬實驗室(Chem Lab)、動畫(FLASH)、影片(MOVIE)等非同步教學等電腦技術,製作了普化實驗教學網站,結果顯示,在普化實驗考試成績及引發學生思考上面都有極大的成效助益。本研究之教材內容主要參酌靜宜大學普通化學實驗教材著手進行腳本設計,在教材大綱方面著重各單元之設計,以「由淺入深」為導向,講求全面性知識整合,並加入生活小常識將理論應用於日常生活之中,以「增進學習興趣」。在化學概念方面著重單元設計及內容皆能達到「增進學習概念」為學習目標,內容編排著重於理論及應用性,並加入虛擬實驗室,讓學生可動手躁作增進了解。將教材資料放上網供學習者取用,並不等於「網路教學」。遠距傳輸技術不管其內容如何美觀、生動,若不具實際的學習成效,網路只是教學的輔助工具而己,還不能稱為「網路教學」。網路虛擬化學實踐教學的改進計畫正是針對此弊病加改進,自計畫成果中可發現:成績優秀的學生大都利用「上網」查詢資料並學習,網路品質、網路傳遞的資訊、網頁設計影響學習成效,網路學習的互動必須靠學習資訊的不斷更新,學生喜歡網路教學更甚於傳統教室。由於電腦網路可以有效的突破傳統式教學方式,使得一些創新的學習型態得以實現,教學者和學習者能突破時空限制進行互動式教學,使「網路虛擬化學實驗教學」應用在教學上,讓教育形態更生活化、社會化的教育理念環境更早的實現。


With the rapid development of information techno logy, the school has great influence on the teaching and learning method. The normal one way of teaching and learning has changed into two ways, not only teachers' instruction to students , but also the learning of students interaction with each other will be getting increased in a large proportion. General chemistry laboratory course is a very basic and important course for a university freshman. It has some problems in the pass. After a lot of discussionS and research for the better teaching solutions, we design a general chemistry laboratory web multimedia course, which include virtual lab (Chem Lab), motion picture (Flash), movie (Video Studio) etc, all the asynchronous computer techniques. The result is very encouraging, not even in the class grade and also in the induce student thinking all has a great improvement. The teaching materials are refer to the Providence university chemistry department general chemistry laboratory class teaching menu, in the outline of design is focus on the unit design, we put in a lot of life knowledge, start from easy to difficult, let the student learn the whole picture of knowledge not a little pieces. In the design of chemical concepts, we are concentrated on the learning process, not only put in the theoretical concept of this experiment also focus on the application part of course, the virtual experiment software is put in here for students to freely excise. This web course is not just a teaching material web, we are very concern on the interaction between the teacher and the students, the statistic of learning result need to be analyzed and studied. From the result we find out that the entire good student they love the web course, the speed of web transfer affect the learning outcome of students a lot, all the student love web course more than normal courses. The Internet technology has broken though the traditional way of teaching, the brand new way of teaching method which can greatly interact with each other, the more life and social way of teaching environment will soon come true.


Web-Title Chemistry Labortory CAL Internet
