  • 期刊


The Application of Mobile Learning Model Technique in Chemistry Course


科技的快速發展與進步,多媒體智慧型手機已經是大學校園裡年輕學子必備的時髦玩意兒。如何將學習活動從電腦轉移至行動裝置上,一直是科學教育工作者的夢想,讓學生在各種不同的時間與空間環境中,隨時的進行學習,而老師可以設計最適合的教學情境與學習內容供給學生,進行有意義的學習活動與互動,讓整個學習成效提升,就是我們希望達到的目標。所以我們將原來的網路學習推上另一個層級 -「行動學習」,正式宣告M-learning的時代來臨;在任何地方、任何時間,都可接收任何化學知識和學習活動。行動學習融入資訊科技並且利用多媒體的特性,並著重個人化的學習歷程,以學習者為學習中心,讓學習者可以在需要的時候學習,達到處處可以學習的境界。行動學習迎接新時代的培訓與教育,並已經開始發揮核心作用。本研究主要是希望建置一個簡單的行動學習系統,將E-learning中的教材移植到M-learning上,讓學習者可以隨時隨地的進行學習,不需要被環境的因素限制住,希望能提升學習者的學習動機進而達到較好的學習成效。研究對象為靜宜大學「生活化學」課程之學生,共126位(男生63人、女生63人)分為實驗組與控制組,控制組是使用一般網路學習系統,實驗組則使用行動學習模式,讓他們分別進入不同學習平台學習後,蒐集進行統計分析,研究結果發現:一、行動學習模式明顯優於一般網路學習系統。二、場地獨立、男性之學生在行動學習模式學習後其學習成效有達顯著性。三、82%的學習者覺得行動學習活動對學習很有幫助。


Mobile learning breaks the limitation of time and space, allowing learner to access learning materials and engaging learning by using multimedia portable devices. Almost every modern young college students carry a multimedia mobile phone. Therefore, how to use multimedia mobile phone to study Nano chemistry is a major research project of chemical education field. The research subjects are students of a general curriculum course "Chemistry in Life" in Providence University. These students were divided into two groups, namely the controlling group and the experimental group. Students in the controlling group are using web designed learning system, and those in the experimental group are using the mobile learning systems. Both systems are designed based on the "Nano Chemistry" chapter material. The materials of mobile learning system were designed to be transferred via Bluetooth or Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), allowing students to access the material at anytime and anywhere. Statistics of their learning performance in the post-test and retention-test were collected and statistically analyzed. The advantage, disadvantages, and suitability of this learning system is discussed. The mobile learning group shows a better learning outcome in the post-test performance. The real-time feedback mechanism and male ego character of the mobile learning systems really give students higher learning efficiency. And for Male and Field Independent students get the better learning effect than opposite group students. Regarding mobile learning, students considered mobile learning as innovative, interesting, and convenient for learning. 82% learner feel the mobile learning activity are helpful to them.


