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A Study of Students’ Motivation, English Learning Attitude, Difficulties and Cross-cultural Experience when Participating in Working Tourism Programs



本研究旨在探討海外打工旅遊者之參與動機,跨文化體驗以及當時所處之環境影響其語言學習態度,以及參與者在海外打工旅遊時所遇到之語言困難和其克服的方式。本研究以混合型方法進行研究,即量化與質化研究兩者並進。研究對象為97位曾參與過海外打工旅遊者,他們透過Google Docs網站填寫線上問卷,而訪談研究對象則由97位填寫問卷之研究對象中隨機抽樣4位進行訪談。量化數據由Google文件進行分析,質化數據則由研究者自行編碼分析。研究結果顯示參與者參與海外打工旅遊動機與目標主要為體驗當地文化和生活方式以及學習語言。參與者在參與海外打工旅遊時,具有正面學習語言的態度,即使遇到語言困難,仍會使用簡單字彙或肢體語言克服。參與者亦認為跨文化經驗確實對其語言學習有所幫助,例如:在商店消費、結交外國朋友等,皆使參與者於參與海外打工旅遊後語言能力之提升,數據亦顯示參與海外打工旅遊時間的長短也會影響參與者的語言學習態度和對文化衝擊的感受。


The aims of this study are to investigate the participants’ participative motivation for taking part in the Work and Travel USA and the Working Holiday programs, and to explore whether or not working overseas influences their English learning by means of cross-cultural experiences and the language environments. This study also looks at the language difficulties which participants encountered and the ways they deal with those difficulties so as to provide guidance to future participants. This study uses a mixed model research model in which quantitative and qualitative approaches have been simultaneously conducted. Ninety-seven participants from the WAT USA and WH programs responded to the online questionnaire, and the researcher afterwards randomly chose 4 interviewees from among these respondents for more in depth data gathering. The quantitative data was calculated using Google Docs, and the qualitative data was transcribed, coded and analyzed by the researcher. The results show that the motivations and goals of participants for working overseas are mainly to develop independence, to experience local culture and life styles and to learn English. Participants’ learning attitudes are generally positive while working overseas, even if they encounter language difficulties such as being unable to understand what foreigners say, especially initially. Participants tend to feel that everyday interactions advance their language learning, as do cross-cultural experiences. Moreover, the results show that the length of time the participants stay in the target countries affects their language learning attitude and cross-culture adjustment.


