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A Syllabic and Morphosemantic Study of Examples of Onomatopoeia in Spanish and in Chinese


象聲詞是語言中用該語言的發音系統去摹擬自然界動物、事物聲音的一種詞彙。由於漢語不是拼音文字,其象聲詞,只是藉用漢字來標示出欲發成的音,這一情況又有點像是音標符號,只不過和字義沒有多大的關係。漢語的象聲詞舉例來說:「汪汪」形容狗的叫聲,「嘩啦啦」形容雨聲,「叮噹」形容鈴聲,「喵喵」形容貓的叫聲。它還可以用不同的疊字方式,比如說:AA(呼呼HŪ-HŪ),AB(轟隆HŌNG-LÓ NG),ABB(嘩啦啦HŪA-LĀ-LĀ),ABAB(咕嚕咕嚕GŪ-LŪ-GŪ-LŪ),AABB(唧唧咕咕JÍ-JÍ-GŪ-GŪ),ABCD(嘰裏咕嚕JĪ-LĪ-GŪ-LŪ)。與漢語不一樣的是:西班牙語是一用字母拼音的語言,其象聲詞可以直接用字母拼寫出來,例如:tac tac(鐘擺聲),tictac(鐘擺聲),chinchín(盤子相碰聲),rataplán(打鼓聲),talán talán(打鼓聲),tan tan(鈴鐺聲),tantarán(打鼓聲),tarará(打鼓聲),tararí(打鼓聲),tintín(杯子相碰聲),tintineo(杯子相碰聲),tururú(號角聲)等等,其音節結構跟漢語一樣有重疊的特色。象聲詞的產生與每個語言的文化背景、思維方式等息息相關,但影響最大的仍是語言本身的語法、音韻系統,畢竟人們在產生新詞時會遵循自己最熟悉的語言模式去創造。所以,每一種語言因其音韻結構不同會發展出聲音相似卻不盡相同的象聲詞。此外,我們發現西班牙語借用了許多英語的象聲詞,例如:slam(用力關門聲)、bang(敲打聲)、smack(啪、甩聲)、splash(手足潑水聲)、crash(撞擊、爆裂聲)、ring(鐘、鈴聲)、sniff(擤鼻涕聲)、splash(撲通落水聲)、guau(狗吠聲),miaauuu(貓叫聲),cuac(鴨叫聲),bee(綿羊叫聲)等等。這應該是西語利用本身是拼音語言的發音特點,可以直接唸出英語的象聲詞,倒也不失模仿各種聲音的本質。


象聲詞 音節 西班牙語 漢語


Onomatopoeia refers to words that have a sound which is directly related to its meaning that is, it is a word that phonetically imitates (and therefore implies) the source of the sound it describes [Onomatopoeia is a well known concept. You probably don't need to define it at all, but definitely not in your abstract!]. For example, in Spanish there are onomatopoeia words used to describe noises made by various animals, such as guau (dog), miaauuu (cat), cuac (duck), bee (sheep), etc.; to imitate sounds made by musical intruments like ran rataplán (drum), rataplán (drum), talán talán (drum), tururú (horn), turututu (horn), tuturutú (horn), etc. In Chinese onomatopoeia words are characterized of being reduplicated in several ways. For example, AA(呼呼 HŪ-HŪ), AB(轟隆HŌNG-LÓ NG), ABB(嘩啦啦HŪA-LĀ-LĀ), ABAB(咕嚕咕嚕GŪ-LŪ-GŪ-LŪ), AABB ( 唧唧咕咕JÍ-JÍ-GŪ-GŪ ) , ABCD ( 嘰裏咕嚕JĪ-LĪ-GŪ-LŪ ) . Onomatopoeia is not the same across all languages. The production of onomatopoeia[onomatopoeia is uncountable] to some extent reflects human beings' linguistic competence and acceptance by their users. In this study first we collect examples of Spanish and Chinese onomatopoeia. Secondly, we analyze both languages' syllablic structures to better understand how people create these words based on their respective linguistic systems. We found that many examples, like slam, bang, smack, splash, crash, ring, sniff, splash, etc. are borrowed from the original English words. This seems to suggest that Spanish does not generally produce onomatopoeia, even though it is considered a phonetic language.


onomatopoeia syllable Spanish Chinese
