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Fu-Guan Xu's Application and Understanding of Yang Ming's 'Philosophy of the Mind' Concept of Education




徐復觀 王陽明 心學 教育觀


In the 20th century, Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind was made popular by Fu-Guan Xu, who was a disciple of the second generation Confucianism of Shi-li Xiong. Fu-Guan Xu thought Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind inherited the ideologies of Confucius and Mencius. He saw the value of Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind in manifesting morality, and bringing meaningful awareness to modern ethics, value choices in life, society, politics, and education. Studies of Fu-Guan Xu's work are continuing in academic circles. These studies cover multiple aspects, but are rarely conducted from the perspectives of the history of educational thought, and research on the way he understands and applies Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind is especially lacking. Fu-Guan Xu had rich experience in education, and he had learned much about the ideological aspects of Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind, which he applied in his teaching and writings. This article uses textual analysis to synthesize his six understandings of the ideology of Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind: First, Yang Ming's explanation on "sincerity" is more appropriate than Zhu-Zi's. Second, Yang Ming's interpretation of self-awareness in morality is simple. Third, Yang Ming's greatest academic contribution is to emphasize morality. Fourth, Yang Ming's political thought is inspirational to modern society. Fifth, Yang Ming's epistemic theory is not perfect, but has some anchor points. Sixth, the major drawback of Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind lies in its negligence of theory. As for his application of the concept of education to Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind, there are six points: the first is to criticize the modern world by citing and applying Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind; the second is to comment on misunderstandings in academia; the third is to use Yang Ming's philosophy of the mind as a benchmark for emphasizing the importance of protecting and revitalizing conscientiousness; the fourth is to oppose "the plan of education" and emphasize spontaneous learning; the fifth is to emphasize introspection; and the sixth is to strengthen the education of personality through self-awareness.
