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A Study on the Interactive Relationship between Services of Medical Treatment and Patients based on Perspective of Patient-Physician Relationship Management




Since National Health Insurance has been implemented for years, Taiwan residents are more aware of health issues than before. Moreover, they pay much attention to medical service and quality more and more. The care process of taking medical treatment and the interaction between patients and physicians has been emphasized by medical institute authorities. Besides, customer relationship management is also a newly developed concept that modern hospitals should embed in order to maintain the trust of patient-physician relationship. Most previous research in the field of medical care had paid more attention on quality-related issues and medical information system established, while less work discussed the trust of patient-physician relationship, patients' experience, and the management as well as assertion of patient relationship. This study thereby considered the trust of patient-physician relationship management and conducted deeply interviews to staff and physicians of five teaching hospitals in northern Taiwan using the method of case study. The purpose of the study is mainly to analyze the inter-relationship of hospital image and the trust of patient-physician relationship, respective with patients' trust, experience and perceived value. It also reviewed the satisfaction level of taking medical service and the willingness of revisiting intention. The outcome shows the role of physicians and the trust of patient-physician relationship has a significant influence on service satisfaction and the willingness of revisiting intention. The two factors have even significant impact on the later when physicians give recommendations to those need medical treatments. On the other hand, the interaction between hospitals and community as well as professional techniques are two important reference factors when patients are seeking medical service. They are also the major source of patients' medical experience and trust. Therefore, the management of patient-physician relationship is a critical factor to enhance patients' value and medical service.


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