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Nursing Care Experience of Alcohol Dependent Patient with Co-morbid of Schizophrenia




This article was used of Watson's caring theory, caring about the experience of a patient suffering from mental disorder with alcohol abuse. This case suffered from psychiatric symptoms for a long time and lack of knowledge of disease, lack of ability to handle life event, dependent on alcohol, living without life goals, low self-esteem, depressed mood, suicidal idea, self-mutilation and other issues. The data were collected from March 5, 2017 to June 22, 2017 during the period of nursing care. Application of the overall functional assessment method and some psychiatric care techniques such as empathy, listening, companionship, acceptance, and caring. Cases-related nursing problems were identified as: potential risk of violence against oneself, disturbances of sensory and perception, auditory hallucinations and long-term low self-esteem. Drawing up care plans and individualized nursing care designed application of Watson's caring theory found that this patient had positive effects on disease awareness, attitudes to stress, healthy behaviors, and interpersonal interactions, improving depression and establishing a sense of value. After this patient discharged from hospital, he was well-adjusted in tracking his life. He did not experience drinking behavior and was able to coexist with symptoms. Compared with the quality of life before admission, the case himself and his family were satisfied with the care. He hopes that this experience will be used to provide care colleagues in the future and take good care of such cases like him.


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