  • 期刊


Research on Key Affecting Factors of Oral Health Care for the Students of Elementary Schools


口腔健康是身體健康的基礎,國小學童最大的口腔問題是齲齒,牙齒健康與否會影響到營養的吸收,對於兒童的身體發育影響很大。台灣地區學童的齲齒盛行率一直都居高不下,然而牙齒壞了是不可逆的,「預防甚於治療」,唯有做好口腔保健才是良策。本研究目的在建立一套客觀、專門評鑑指標。首先蒐集相關文獻初擬出評估準則,透過修正式德菲法問卷調查來建立影響國小學童口腔保健關鍵因素之層級架構,利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)分析樣本,歸納出口腔保健相關因素之權重及排序。


Oral health is essential to good health because it determines whether nutrients are absorbed properly, which is key to children's physical development. Tooth decay is the biggest oral health problem in elementary school children in Taiwan and has demonstrated a high prevalence for years. Tooth decay is an irreversible process, the axiom "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" performs that oral care is vital to ensuring good health. The purpose of this study was to establish a set of objective and specialized assessment indicators. First, relevant literature data were collected and five assessment criteria were formulated based on collected data. Subsequently, a survey was conducted using a modified Delphi questionnaire to determine key factors influencing oral care practiced by elementary school children, after which a hierarchical structure was established. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was employed to analyze the samples to identify the weights and rankings of oral care-related factors.
