  • 會議論文


The Probe of Partner Selection Factor of Strategic Alliance in Hospitality Industry across the Taiwan Straits


「二十一世紀是服務業的世紀」觀光事業挾其可觀的「乘數效果」成為此一趨勢的主流,國際問均爭相積極拓展此一無煙函工業(唐學斌,1992)。而餐旅業屬於觀光事業一環,除了基本的住宿、餐飲、休間的方面的有形設備外,並販賣空間、時間及服務等產品。自從台灣加入WTO(World Trade Organization)之後,與世界的互動更為頻繁,對台灣的產業造成很大的威脅和衝擊,企業向外發展成為國際企業,邁入國際領域已蔚為一種必然趨勢。而策略聯盟則是結合各自成員所擁有之優點,以達互利之目的,且為企業進軍國際市場之最佳方法。而近年來海峽兩岸的往來頻繁,故餐旅業的互動也相對受到重視。因此,本研究針對海峽兩岸餐旅業策略聯盟夥伴選擇因素進行探討。本研究為探索性研究,以文獻探討方式並進行專家學者訪談,從兩岸餐旅業策略聯盟之各項構念為基礎,本研究藉由初步探討餐旅業問聯盟夥伴關係之建立,了解海峽兩岸餐旅業的現況,歸納出兩岸餐旅業者在進行策略聯盟時,選擇策略聯盟夥伴因素包括以下各點:(1)聯盟對象以往的風評及聲望:(2)策略與資源是否互補﹔(3)政治、法律等相關規定﹔(4)文化背景和組織文化的差異性以及(5)對方能否信守承諾、完成協定,以作為兩岸餐旅業互相交流時之參考。


21 century becomes the century of service industry. Tourism will be the principal stream of the trend by generating a lot of revenue. Therefore, The enthusiastic development of such "Chimney-free" industry [Tang, Xue-Bing, 1992] is tremendously internationally pursued. One part of the tourism is Hospitality, which supplies not only fundamental lodging, but also a place for social activities, conference, recreation, and commercial information, etc. Since Taiwan, Republic of China has joined World Trade Organization (WTO), the interaction, action and reaction worldwide have been more frequently. This is a great threat and impact on the Taiwanese industry. Enterprises expand outwards to be international. To get involved into international fields is inevitable. The Strategic Alliance is the best way to combine the favorable qualities of each member to make the profit each other, and to expand internationally. The communication and traffic across the Taiwan Straits is getting prosperous recently. The communication and cooperation of the hospitality industry across the Taiwan Straits are also paid with much attention to. The probe of partner selection criterion or the Strategic Alliance in hospitality industry across the Taiwan Straits has been, therefore, studied. This work has tried to do recherche and visiting scholars. From the basic concepts of Strategic Alliance across the Taiwan Straits, to know the individual situations of the hospitality industries across the Taiwan Straits by investigating the relationship of the Alliance partners is expected. The optimum selection factors for the Strategic Alliance across the Taiwan Straits to be references have been induced.
