  • 期刊


The Conception of "Supremacy of Law" in the Tang Dynasty and the Legal Paradigm of Restricting Monarchical Power




The supervision and restriction of power that controls and allocates social resources and maintains and consolidates social order is an eternal topic in the history of human politics. Power without supervision and restriction will inevitably lead to corruption. Ancient China was an autocratic monarchy society. Throughout the long history of thousands of years, the imperial power has stood above the legal power. After the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the ruling clique headed by Emperor Taizong 太宗 put forward the idea of "Supremacy of Law" (tianxia zhi fa 天下之法), constructed a relatively comprehensive legal system, established many measures to restrict the imperial power, and established the principle of the law standing above the ruler through legal forms. To some extent, this restricted the power of the monarch and avoided the phenomenon of abuse of power, making the Li regime of the Tang 李唐 a prosperous era in ancient China. However, Tang society remained after all that of an autocratic monarchy. Without the conception of equality and the protection of people's rights, the measures adopted by Tang Dynasty to restrict the power of the monarch by law had a very limited effect.


漢.孔安國傳,唐.孔穎達疏,廖名春、陳明整理,呂紹綱審定,《尚書正義》2 冊,收於十三經注疏整理委員會整理,《十三經注疏》,北京,北京大學出版社,2000。
漢.鄭玄注,唐.孔穎達疏,龔抗雲整理,王文錦審定,《禮記正義》4 冊,收於十三經注疏整理委員會整理,《十三經注疏》,北京,北京大學出版社,2000。
