  • 期刊


Quantitative Analyses of Long Distance Running Motion


本文主要以國內長跑女將蘇子寧與一位具有潛力而胃鏡訓練之同齡女生為研究對象,目的在於了解經過訓練的優秀長跑選手與一般胃鏡訓練女子在重心起伏、兩腿肌力大小、肩膀上下振福及跑步效益等方面,有何不同之處。經過研究分析後。發現蘇子寧之右腳肌力比左腳大,以致右腳推蹬後,使中心上升較高(平均9.56 cm);而左腳肌力較小,左腳推蹬後,使重心上升之高度較低(平均7.88 cm)。另外,兩肩膀上下擺動之幅度,左肩比右肩大得多;如在左腳支撐期時,左肩平均為一為22.0 cm,右肩平均位移為11.75 cm。在比較跑步效益一方面,蘇子寧較另一女生差;蘇子寧平均為9.02 %,另一女生為9.63 %。而單位體重之運動耗氧量,蘇子寧較另一女生來的大;蘇為47.8 ml/kg,另一女生為44.7 ml/kg。我們推測,此可能與其動作不平穩而額外消耗能量有關。因此,長跑選手或一般人跑步時,應注意左右肩膀擺動幅度與左右腳肌力之均衡,以減低不必要之能量消耗,使跑步效益與耐力增加。


The purposes of this study were to investigate: vertical oscillation of center of body mass, muscular strength of legs, vertical oscillation of shoulders and running efficiency. The subjects of this study were a female outstanding long distance runner, tzu-ning Su, and an untrained female runner. The results showed that the right leg's muscular strength of the outstanding runner was larger than the left one so that the center of body mass went up to higher height after the right foot pushed off (average of height was 9.56 cm). Her left leg's muscular strength was smaller than the right one so that the center of body mass went up to the lower height after the left foot pushed off (average of height was 7.88 cm). Besides, shoulders' vertical oscillation, right shoulder (22.0 cm) was much larger than left shoulder (11.75 cm). In running efficiency, the outstanding runner was worse than the untrained runner (Su was 9.02 %, the untrained runner was 9.63 %). The outstanding runner had much more oxygen expenditure (47.8 %) than that of the untrained runner (44.7 %) based on the body weight. Those possibly resulted from the unbalanced running motion. So the runners ought to emphasize the balance of shoulders' oscillation and legs' muscular strength to reduce the expenditure of energy and enhance the efficiency and endurance of running.


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