  • 期刊


The Mulan Tale: Historical Transformation and Ideology


本文選擇北朝樂府〈木蘭詩〉、明徐渭〈雌木蘭替父從軍〉、張紹賢《北魏奇史閨孝烈傳》、亞盧〈中國第一女豪傑女軍人家花木蘭傳〉、美國Disney《 Mulan花木蘭》,探討〈木蘭詩〉的古今、中西演變與木蘭形象塑造。首先分析〈木蘭詩〉的主題與母題,再以這些母題為架構,按時代先後觀看各個文本被演藝情形,同時將文本放在其所處時代的脈絡,探討演繹者詮釋的基礎,然後進行貫時的比較。「木蘭替父從軍」是這些文本共同的主題,它牽涉女性與從軍兩個範疇,因此在:1.孝與忠、2.替代、3.易裝改扮、4.征途與軍中生活、5.建立軍功與冊封、6.揭露身份等六個母題之下,看見了歷代演繹者對女性的期待與性別越界的看法。他們的演繹基本上都受到時代價值觀與意識形態的限制。在清朝末年之前,「木蘭替父從軍」之所以受到認可,甚或推崇,係因她的動機是「盡孝」;而從軍之所以成為事實,必以家無長兄為前提。木蘭身為女性,替父從軍跨越了男女分工的界線,任務完成之後她必須「歸位」,重回父親的庇蔭,或者出嫁依附在丈夫身上。這又和傳統的「三從四德」觀念牽連。在「德」的方面,明朝首重「貞操」,該朝代的演繹者多著墨於此。晚清有亡國的殷憂,女性的婉約、柔順、卑弱、貞節等「傳統美德」一一被摒棄,木蘭以堅毅的性格,挑起保家衛國責任的事蹟逐被突顯。自南北朝以迄於晚清,〈木蘭詩〉的演繹都服贗於忠軍、愛國、孝親的大論述。直至廿世紀末美國迪士尼《Mulan花木蘭》製播,木蘭方才覺醒,開始思考女性的主體地位、自我實現的問題。觀看〈木蘭詩〉的古今、中西演變與木蘭形象塑造,等同於觀看中國婦女地位的演變。


This article takes the Northern dynasties Mulan Poem as a starting point to trace the transformation of the Mulan story through Chinese literature. It examines how, and with what ideological shifts, the story has been adapted into varied literary genres, and concludes with an interesting observation of a cross-cultural adaptation in most recent times, a Disney production, Mulan . Substituting Father for Army Obligation is the thematic backbone of all interpretative adaptations. Six other motifs involved include the followings: filial piety and loyalty to the state , substitution , dress and gender-shifting , military life and maneuver , glory and reward , disclosure of gender identity By investigating how these motives are represented in different works, this article further explains the differences in their historical contexts. The study thus elucidates the intricacy of an archetypal text s historical reenactments, as well as the cultural and ideological elements involved. It displays the shifts of relevant attitudes and values from the Northern Dynasties to the Qing dynasty: the viewpoints about duty, virtues, and responses to gender-role playing of the male and the female, and social perceptions and wishes of the female.


Mulan Poem Mulan role of female female consciousness


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