  • 期刊


Study on Effective Factors of the Guidance and Counseling of Students in Private University and College


為了探討影響私立大專院校訓輔工作成效(achievement of guidance and counseling of students,AGCS)之相關因素,本篇研究報告引用教育部訓育委員會九十年度全國私立大專院校訓輔經費執行成效中各量表成績、各私立大專院校訓輔行政單位生師比及學務單位各級主管行政工作年資等資料,採用Spearman rank correlation test「無母數統計」方法進行分析,以暸解前述數據資料間的相關性。分析結果顯示,接受訪評學校自評成績與訪視委員到校實地訪視後給予的訪視成績有高度的相關性。學校自評成績或委員訪視成績皆分別與該校各級學務主管的行政工作年資呈現顯著相關性。在年度訪評的四項評量資料中,學校自評成績與「年度計畫執行成效」和「年度活動資料保存」具有高度的相關性,反之,學校自評成績與「年度訓輔經費支出」和「其他相關執行事項狀況」則沒有顯著相關性。委員訪視成績則與四項分項評量成績沒有呈現顯著相關性。各私立大專院校訓輔行政單位「生師比」與學校訓輔工作的執行成效也沒有呈現顯著相關性。由本篇分析報告可以發現,私立大專院校學務主管的行政歷練,可能是影響私立大專院校訓輔工作執行成效的重要因素。


The purpose of this study was to examine factors which affect the achievement of guidance and counseling of students (AGCS) in private university and college. Data get from the Committee of Students Counseling. Data included follows: efficacy of carry out rate of funds, student-teacher ratio, and curriculum vitae of students' affairs. Data was analyzed by Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed that: 1) The AGCS scores inspected by schools were the same as inspected by committee members. 2) The scores of AGCS reported by schools and the committee were significantly correlated to curriculum vitae of students' affairs separately. 3) While analyzed data through four different parts, it showed that the AGCE scores reported by school themselves were significantly related to the achievement of annual plan and action data reserved, but not significantly to the other two. Whereas, The AGCS scores reported by the committee had no significant relationships to any part of the four. 4) The AGCS scores did not have statistical significance to the student-teacher ratio. The study revealed that the curriculum vitae of students' affairs is an important factor affected the AGCS.


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