  • 期刊


The Related Factors of Motorcycle-Riding Behavior on Traffic Accidents Among Students at a University in Taichung




In Taiwan, the leading cause of death for young people is traffic accidents. Motorcycle is their major communications, so, it's important to understand what riding behavior and the condition of traffic accidents in young people. The purposes of this study were to investigate what the condition of riding behavior and traffic accidents in university student, and analysis the related factors to traffic accidents. The population is a university student. We conducted random sampling and had 322 samples, there were 296 samples for analysis, and the response rate was 92%. The results showed there were 63.2% students used motorcycle as their major communications, and 44.3% students had the motorcycle traffic accidents experiences. The risky riding motorcycle behavior included:" before riding, only sometimes check the brake and the signal of turn", "no matter what the motorcycle's condition, they would sometimes maintain motorcycle in good function", "students always over speeding", "when feel tired, students still riding", and "when police was not here, they would not probably obey traffic rules". To estimate the related factors by chisq-square, it showed: female, age 18-19, lack of the traffic accidents experiences among families and friends in the past, motorcycle as their major communications, without riding license, riding four days and above per week, riding distances above 11 km per day, partially obey traffic rules, partially not change lane as they like, partially not hear cellular telephone, and when in unstable emotion, they would ride fast had high risk to have traffic accidents. According to these results, we suggest to enhance the motorcycle safety education. The contents include the essential of license and the importance of obeying traffic rules. Furthermore, we can provide motorcycle-riding risk appraisal in intervention program in future, and to strengthen their concept of risk management.


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