  • 期刊


Evaluation of the Skin Care Effects of Ricao Repairing Elements.


中藥紫草為紫草科(Borraginaceae)多年生草本植物紫草Lithospermum erythrorhizon S_(IEB) et Z_(UCC)與新疆紫草Macrotomia euchroma (R_(OYLE)) P_(AULS) 的根。紫草根含有的色素成分主要為��������衍生物(naphthoquinones derivatives)。以往的研究報告指出,紫草根的提取物具有許多不同的藥理作用,包含抑制微生物的生長、抗發炎、抗肝炎、抗血栓等。然而,紫草根提取物是否具備對肌膚可能的保養功效,則不曾有任何研究報告。本研究的主要目地在探討含新疆紫草根部提取物的『紫采修復原素』,對於人體肌膚的可能保養功效。我們的研究對象是選擇30位健康成人為受測者,其中有5位男性,25位女性。受測者臉部每天使用一次紫采修復原素,持續使用一個月,並且於受測期間,停止使用其他品牌的護膚保養品。研究結果顯示,受測者的皮膚保水度、穿皮水分散失率、以及黑、紅色素變化量,並無明顯的改變。然而,受測者的皮膚彈性,卻有明顯增加的趨勢,其中男性受測者皮膚的彈性增加效果似乎比女性受測者顯著,後續研究將進一步探討紫草修護原素促進皮膚彈性的可能分子機轉,以及紫草根提取物中的何種成分可能扮演此項角色。


Chinese herbal medicine Zicao is the root of Lithospermum erythrorhizon S_(IEB) et Z_(UCC) and Macrotomia euchroma (R_(OYLE)) P_(AULS). The major constituents of the extracts of Zicao root are naphthoquinones derivatives. It is reported that Zicao extracts show various pharmacological activities including anti-microbial proliferation, anti-inflammation, anti-hepatitis, anti-thrombosis, etc. However, the possible skin care effects of Zicao extracts has not been shown in publication. The present study is to explore the potential skin care function of Zicao extracts in the formulation named as "Zicao repairing elements". We have chose thirty healthy adult as in vivo test volunteers which include five males and twenty-five females. Each volunteer was asked to use Zicao repairing elements once a day for one month, and does not use any other brand of skin care products during the test period. The present results show that the average moisturizing effect of the skin of volunteers decreased. In addition, the contents of melanin and erythema of the tested skin was slightly increased. Surprisingly, the elasticity of the skin of all tested volunteers increased significantly, and the improvement of males seems to be more than that of females. In the future study, we will elucidate the possible molecular mechanism of the skin elasticity enhancement of Zicao repairing elements, and investigate which component of Zicao extracts play a key role in improving skin elasticity.


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