  • 期刊

Adopting supplementary materials to enhance listening and speaking strategy use by Taiwanese college EFL learners



本研究旨在探究補充教材是否有助於提升大學生聽說策略的運用。研究對象為四個隨機選出的非英語系大二班級,其中兩班為實驗組,另兩班為對照組。實驗組於英語聽講練習的課堂中,搭配單字複習、朗誦及口頭報告等補充教材的使用;對照組則無。學期中透過三類研究工具收集相關數據:其一為Oxford所編制的語言學習策略量表(中文版:Yang, 1992),分前測與後側;其二為實驗組和對照組的聽說測驗,亦分前後測;其三為實驗組的平時考試。藉由t-test分析,兩組在各類數據間皆呈現顯著差異,顯示補充教材能有效強化學生英文聽說策略的運用,同時亦對其聽說能力的提升有所助益。


This study investigates if supplementary materials can be adopted to enhance college EFL learners’ listening and speaking strategy use. Four sophomore non-English major classes were randomly chosen for this study. Two of them served as experimental groups (EG), and the other two control groups (CG). Recycling vocabulary, read-aloud, and oral presentation materials were used with EG to supplement the regular textbook. Data were collected via three instruments: (1) pre and post Chinese versions of Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (Yang, 1992), (2) pre and post tests from both groups, and (3) quizzes from EG. T-test was used to analyze the data. The findings indicate the effectiveness of adopting supplementary materials to enhance strategy use as well as learning outcomes. It is then suggested that in order to expand students’ learning capacity, more and diverse materials should be used to supplement the existing textbook in the listening and speaking course.


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