  • 期刊


A study on the willingness of hospitality interns to develop a career in the related industry


本研究以觀光旅館之餐旅實習生為研究對象,旨在探討人格特質、主管領導風格對餐旅實習生投入觀光旅館業之意願,採問卷調查法並佐以專家效度進行研究,共發出問卷450份,回收問卷420份,剔除無效問卷10份及非觀光旅館實習問卷44份後,有效樣本為366份,有效回收率為81.3%。回收之問卷以spss12.0統計軟體進行資料分析,本研究經由實證分析發現如下: 曾經有工讀經驗以及男性學生的實習社會化程度較高,勞動條件、實習社會化與主管領導對於學生畢業後投入觀光旅館業呈正向影響。人格特質除了開放性不具顯著影響、神經質具顯著負向影響外,其餘人格特質對於投入觀光旅館業皆為正向影響。在勞動條件與投入觀光旅館業間的關係中主管領導與實習社會化皆不具干擾效果。在人格特質與投入觀光旅館業間的關係中,實習社會化僅對宜人性具有顯著正向干擾效果,而主管領導僅對神經質具有顯著負向干擾效果。研究結果顯示校外實習有助於提升學生對陌生環境的適應能力,進而影響其進入相關產業之意願。同時我們也發現影響學生意願的因素除人格特質中偏向神經質的學生外,大都為單刀直入型,顯示學生在進行決定意願時比較不會做多方面的考量。


Targeting hospitality interns working in tourist hotels, the research is aimed to identify the influence of personal traits and superiors’ leadership style on the willingness of hospitality interns to develop a career in tourist hotel industry. The research was conducted through a questionnaire survey, supported by expert validity. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed with 420 questionnaires collected. The total number of valid questionnaires received was 366 after deducting 10 invalid questionnaires and 44 questionnaires not relevant to hospitality interns. The rate of valid samples collected is 81.3%. The samples received were further analyzed through the spss12.0 statistical system. The empirical analysis results of the research are summarized below: Male interns with part-time work experience have a higher level of socialization during the internship. Labor conditions, an internship-focused society and the superiors’ leadership style are all positive influencing factors for hospitality interns to develop a career in the tourist hotel industry. In terms of personal traits, except for open mindedness, which shows no significant influence; and neuroticism, which shows significant and negative influence, all remaining personal traits show positive influence to the preparedness of hospitality interns to develop a career in the tourist hotel industry. With regard to the influence of labor conditions, neither superiors’ leadership style or an internship-focused society shows any moderating effects. Also, in terms of the correlation between personal traits and the motivation to establish a career in the tourist hotel industry, an internship-focused society only has a positive moderating effect on agreeableness, and superiors’ leadership style only shows significant and negative moderating effect on neuroticism. The research results also show that off-campus internship helps improve the students’ adaptability to unfamiliar environments and influences their willingness to join the relevant industries. We also found that, except for those students with greater neuroticism, the influencing factors are mostly quite straight forward. This shows that students are less likely to make all-round considerations when they make career decisions.


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