  • 期刊


Mass incidents in China: challenges to the building of a harmonious society


「群體性事件」(mass incidents)是中共對於特定行事社會群眾抗爭運動的用語,包括群眾遊行、示威、抗議、非法上訪等群眾運動皆在這一詞彙的指涉範圍之內。中共社會的群體性事件增長快速,正對中共當局追求的「和諧社會」(harmonious society)理想,與「維穩」(maintainstability)的目標構成挑戰。在事件類型方面,依照主要參與者在身份或社會階層上的差異,可以大致將當前中共社會中的群體性事件分為四個主要的類型,且每一類型的事件皆有不同的訴求:以農民為主的農村抗爭;包括農民工與國有企業員工在內的勞工抗爭;中產階級抗爭,以及包括宗教訴求與分離主義在內的其他事件類型。在事件原因方面,目前在中共社會中引發群眾性運動的因素可以在宏觀上區分為「環境性因素」和「建構性因素」兩類,前者指的是存在於中共社會環境中的因素,包括經濟發展失衡、貪腐問題、公民意識增長與司法制度缺陷等;後者則指中共當局、地方政府以及民眾在互動過程中出現的負面因素。多數群體性事件與經濟發展失衡存在直接或間接連繫,可以預見其未來也將隨著經濟發展而持續發展增生,但相關事件也存在著參與主體過於孤立、訴求過於狹隘,以及迴避政治改革議題等內在侷限,在可預見的未來中,尚難對中共當局的統治構成嚴峻挑戰。然而,群體性事件的多發仍會對當局的治理構成阻礙,同時也無法排除未來的群眾運動出現升級或擴散的可能,因此中共當局應思考如何從經濟與制度層面著手,對相關事件的背後的催生原因進行根治。


中共 群體性事件 社會動亂 維穩 貪腐


"Mass incidents" is a term that communist China uses to describe specific types of social struggles, including parades, demonstrations, protests, illegal reporting to higher-ups, among other mass movements. The communist China society has seen a rapid increase in the number of mass incidents, which pose challenges for the government in the pursuit of its ideal, a harmonious society, and its goal to maintain stability. Contemporary mass incidents in the communist China society can generally be divided into four types in accordance with the backgrounds or social hierarchies of the main participants. Each of the four types has its distinct appeals: peasant-based agricultural struggles; labor struggles, including those of migrant workers and employees of state-owned businesses; middle class struggles; and others, such as those with religious appeals and those encompassing separatism. Causes for mass incidents in communist China can generally be divided into environmental and structural. The former refers to factors that exist in society, including imbalanced economic development, corruption, increased civil awareness, and the flawed judicial system while the latter indicates negative factors that surface during interaction between the Chinese communist government, local government, and the people. Most mass incidents are directly or indirectly linked to imbalanced economic development. Hence it is predictable that they will continue to grow as economic development continues. Related incidents have their intrinsic limits, however, including the over-isolation of the participants; the narrowness of their appeals; and their avoidance of political reform issues. As such, for the foreseeable future, mass incidents are hardly stern challenges for communist China’s governance. Nevertheless, frequent mass incidents can still be obstructive to governance. Meanwhile, it is impossible to eliminate the possibility for the mass movements to upgrade or expand. Therefore, communist China should begin with economic and systematic aspects and try to solve the underlying issues that catalyze related incidents.


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