  • 學位論文


A study of china’s maintaing stability under Hu Jintao’s administration

指導教授 : 翁明賢 翁明賢


綜觀中國自毛澤東、鄧小平、江澤民,乃至胡錦濤時期,在不同歷史階段,中國始終為了其政治穩定,而將維穩戰略的具體內容隨著社會民情改變進行調整,對於一個威權性政體而言,維穩工作實際上不僅有效保證政治體系的穩定運行,實現政治局面長期穩定和政治領導人更迭有序;維穩是改革開放後中國共產黨以及中華人民共和國政府的工作重心之一,在胡錦濤時期則是最優先政策任務。 在胡錦濤執政期間,其所採行的維穩戰略是一種剛性穩定和壓力維穩,這種維穩模式具有明顯的內在缺陷,而實際上更是已經陷入了維穩的困境,雖然各級地方政府將大量資源投入維穩,但社會矛盾和社會衝突卻毫無改善,中國整體已經陷入越維穩越不穩的惡性循環與越宣傳和諧越不和諧的謬思之中。 本論文主要研究動機與目的可劃分為以下三點:一、探討毛澤東、江澤民、鄧小平與胡錦濤時期中國維穩戰略的思考模式、運行機制及影響因素。二、探討胡錦濤時期中國維穩戰略之影響因素與內涵,試圖解釋為何會出現「越是維穩,越是不穩」現象。三、以實際個案方式分析胡錦濤時期中國維穩戰略之實務面向。 現階段專研中國維穩戰略方面書籍寥寥可數。推想或是因為維穩工作在中國屬於敏感議題,又牽涉政府業務,以致於學者多不願深入研究。故筆者主要從「社會穩定」、「社會控制」、「公安、武警、民兵」、「群體性事件」等概念來蒐集有關中國維穩戰略之相關文獻。 本論文採用文獻分析法,國內外任何有關維穩的著作、期刊、論文、傳媒報導與官方檔案資料均足為本論文的參考資料。筆者企圖透過歷史文獻對於胡錦濤時期的中國維穩戰略之發展、意涵、內容等議題進行探討,主要的資料來源有:政府公報、法規、新聞報導、學者著作、學位論文、期刊、報紙等資料。 研究總結與心得部分,由於中國領導人始終無法放棄共黨專政體系,在任何維穩手段出臺前,都設定「政權穩定」為優先目標,而並非「維護民眾與群眾權益」為主要考量,所以中國維穩效果始終不彰的主要原因,就是政治制度限制了維護戰略的有效性。 胡錦濤在「十八大」後卸任,整個的中國維穩戰略主導權已交由習近平主導。對於維穩,習近平曾說:「維權是維穩的基礎,維穩的實質就是維權」,顯示習近平對於維穩已有正確認知,但在實際作為上,是否真能有所突破,仍須觀之。


維穩戰略 戰略 安全問題


From the period of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao, we observe that in different China historical periods, for its political stability, China has always adjusted the specific content of its strategies of maintaining stability with the needs of the public. For an authoritative regime, the mission of maintaining stability guarantees the political system operates effectively, achieve the long-term stable political situation, and even more, it helps the political leaders transfer orderly. After the reform, the Communist Party of China and the People's Republic of China take much more attention on the maintenance of stability. During the Hu Jintao period, maintaining stability even becomes a priority policy. Under Hu’s regime, the strategies of maintaining stability become more inflexible and more stressful. This kind of strategies has obvious inherent defects, and they even cause difficulties. Although the local governments invest their enormous resources in maintaining stability, they still can’t improve the socialcontradictions and social conflicts. China has fallen into a vicious circle. More strategies of maintaining stability bring more instability. More propaganda about harmony brings more discord. The motivations and the purposes of this thesis: 1. Understand the strategies of maintaining stability of the four presidents (Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao). How they create and how they operate their strategies. And what influence their thinking. 2. Investigate the factors and contents of the strategies of maintaining stability of Hu’s period. And attempt to explain the situation: More strategies of maintaining stability bring more instabilities. 3. Analyze the practices of the strategies of maintaining stability of Hu’s period by the actual cases. In China, the strategies of maintaining stability are sensitive issues and they also involve in political activities. That’s why we have few information about it and few scholars are willing to study it deeply. Therefore the author collected the related documents with the concepts of “social stability”, “social control”, “police”,“armed police, militiaman” and “group events ”. This thesis uses documentary analysis. The documents about maintaining stability include books, periodicals, thesis, media reports and official files. Besides,the author tried to understand and analyze the development, the meanings and the contents of Hu Jintao’s strategies of maintaining stability with historical documents which include government gazettes, legislations, media reports, academic writings, thesis, periodicals and newspapers. The conclusions of this thesis: the leaders of China have never given up autocracy. Every strategy of maintaining stability is based on “the stability of regime”, not based on “safeguard people’s benefits”. The political system limits the validity of the strategies of maintaining stability. After the eighteenth National People’s Congress, Hu Jintao left office. The entire stability maintenance is led by Xi Jinping. He announced that the base of maintaining stability is ensuring people’s rights. It shows that Xi Jinping has correct understanding about stability, but whether he could breakthrough the current situation or not, we need to observe.


邵宗海。〈中共中央工作領導小組的組織定位〉,《中國大陸研究》,第48 卷第3期,2005年,頁54-67。
