  • 期刊


Chemical Components Analysis of Plectranthus Amboinicus Essential Oil in Different Seasons by Gas Chromatography-mass Spectroscopy


本研究以水蒸餾提萃出精油,並以氣相層析質譜儀檢測分析三個不同月份左手香精油的化學成分。結果顯示三月份的左手香精油含有的揮發性成分,明顯多於五、六月份。其中更發現間-傘花烴(m-Cymene) 只存在於三月份的左手香精油。另外五月份精油中所含的檜腦 (Juniper camphor) 與香樹烯 (Alloaromadendrene) 比三、六月份的精油含量多,但所含的2-蒈烯 (2-Carene) 與3-蒈烯 (3-Carene)則較三與六月份的含量少。顯示在不同季節採收萃取的左手香精油其成分與含量有顯著性差異。


In this study, the chemical compositions of the Plectranthus amboinicus (PA) essential oils from water distillation extraction in three different months were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. The results were shown that the contents of volatile components of PA in March are significantly more than in May and in June. It is also found that the m-cymene exists only in March. The contents of the juniper camphor and the alloaromadendrene of PA in May are more than in March and in June, but the 2-carene and the 3-carene are less than in March and in June. In different seasons the harvesting and extraction of PA essential oils, their compositions and the contents will be significant differences.


The Plant List is a working list of all known plant species. Retrieved October 17, 2014, from http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-157885
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