  • 期刊


Nursing Care of Non-pharmacologic Lactation Suppression for Women with Fetal Death




Grieving mothers who experience perinatal loss is getting more and more attention recently. However, lactation suppression in the women had not been paid attention yet. Lactation suppression could be pharmacologic or non-pharmacologic, and postpartum women in Taiwan prefer non-pharmacologic ways or natural ways for health. However, "doing-the-month" emphasizes food supplement and avoiding "coldness" and tends to be "hot". Due to the paucity of empirical studies in natural lactation suppression, and the mechanism is not clear enough, the accurate instructions are unclear either, nursing staff can only advise women with traditional way, such as decrease fluid intake, take raw malt water and leeks etc. Because breast engorgement will impact the psychological adaptation of those mothers, nursing staffs need to know more about non-pharmacologic lactation suppressions. This article tries to explore the current non-pharmacologic methods for suppress lactation, and provide advice for caring perinatal loss, hoping to enhance the quality of physical and psychological care of women with perinatal loss.


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